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'LcJJ'er Hooded-Milfoil,
D IA N D R IA Monogynia.',
G en. C har. Cal. of two equal leaves. Cor. ringent,
fpurred. Capfule o f one. cell.
Spec. C h ar . Nedtary keel-fhaped.
Syn . Utricularia minor. Linn. Sp. PI. 26. Hudf. FI.
An. 9. With. Bot. Arr. 19. Relb. Cant. 9.
Lentibularia minor. Rail Syn, * 286.
R y far lefs frequent than the laft. The Rev. Mr. Hemfted
fent it from the neighbourhood of Fordham Moor Cambridge-
fhire. It alfo grows on fome moors to the north of Norwich,
intermixed with U. vulgaris, and flowering at the fame time.
The two fpecies alfo agree in habit and ftrudture, the minor
being only about half the fize of *the other, with paler, and
generally fewer, flowers. The eflential difference confifts in
the fpecies now before us having a fhort blunt neftary, which
projects fo little, compared with the other, that Linnaeus calls
it only carinated, not conical. The palate too is not fo prominent
as to clofe the orifice of the corolla.
Linnaeus’s defcription in Flo. Suec. is worthy of him, but we
father wonder at his calling the corolla dipetahus, however
deeply divided.