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VERONI CA triphyllos.
Trifid Speedwell.
D I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. Char. Cor. inferior, of one petal, four-cleft,
lower divifion narroweft. Capjule two-celled.
Spec. Char. Flowers folitary. Leaves with deeply fingered
divifions. Flower-ftalks longer than the calyx.
Syn . Veronica triphyllos. Linn. Sp. PI. 19. Hudf. FI.
An. 7. With. Bot. Arr. 15.
Veronica flofculis lingularibus, foliis laciniatis, eredla.
Rail Syn. 280.
P O R the wild fpecimens here figured of this plant and the
preceding, we are obliged to Sir Thomas Cullum, Bart, who
gathered them near Bury, and kindly communicated them
in a recent ftate, along with Holofteum umbellatum, and fe-
veral other rare plants, all which will in due time appear in this
work. V . triphyllos is always much larger, and more diffufe,
than the verna, its leaves more deeply divided, and their feg-
ments more or lefs obovate : neither is it quite fo rare a plant,
having been found in fandy fields in various parts of Norfolk
and Suffolk. It flowers early, and, like the verna, varies much
in fize, according to the fhare of nourifhment it meets with.
Nothing is more common than for young Englifh botanifts, in
gathering Veronica hederifolia with leaves more than ufually
deeply cut, to think they have found V . triphyllos,