/ 6 f [ 1411 ]
F E S T U C A bromoides.
Barren Fescue-grass.
1RIANDRIA Digynia.
G en. Char. Cal. of 2 valves. Spihelet oblong, somewhat
cylindrical, two-ranked, with sharp-pointed
Spec. C har. Panicle upright, pointing (me way. Florets
awl-shaped, awned, rough at the top. Leaves bristleshaped,
shorter than their sheaths.
Syn. Festuca bromoides. Linn. Sp. PL 110. Sm. FI.
Brit. 117. Hud$. 46 . With. 151. Hull. 23.
Sibth. 44. Ehrh. Calam. 6. Knapp, t. 69.
Gramen paniculatum bromoides minus, paniculis arista-
tis, unam partem spectantibus. Raii Sy n. 4 1 5 . Pluk.
Phyt. t. 33. f . 10.
F o u n d on dry sandy ground, sometimes on walls, but not
common, flowering in June and July. The Rev. Mr. Hemsted
sent it from Bedford.
Root annual, of numerous branching fibres. Stems several,
forming tufts, about a span high or more, (for the plant varies
much in size,) erect, round, very smooth, slender, leafy chiefly
in their lower part, and furnished with 3 or 4 trown joints.
Leaves light green, upright, slender and involute, acute;
smooth at the hack; roughish on their upper surface. They
are short in proportion to their sheaths, which, except in the
lowest leaves, are very long, a little inflated, furrowed, smooth.
Stipula very minute. Panicle erect, from an inch to two
inches in length, rarely more, spike-like, when luxuriant (as in
our specimen) branched at the bottom ; its stalks angular and
roughish. The spikelets lean towards one side, but do not
droop, and are ovate. Calyx-glumes acute, unequal, nearly
smooth. Florets about 6, cylindrical, rough at their upper
part, crowned with long terminal awns. Seed linear.