LOLljUM arvenfe.
Annual Beardlefs Darnel.
TR1ANDRIA Digynia.
G en. C har. Cal. of i valve, fixed, many-flowered.
Florets in a ranks.
S p e c . C h a r . Flowers almoft beardlefs. Spikelets
as long as the calyx. Florets elliptical. Stem very
S y n . Lolium arvenfe. With. 1 6 8 . Sm. FI. B rit. 1 5 1.
Hull. 27. Relh. 4 6.
L . temulentum. Hudf. 55.
T h i s fmaller fpecies of Annual Darnel is not, we believe,
more frequent than the laft, with which Linnaeus confounded
it. The fpecific character given by Mr. Hudfon convinces us
this was his L . temulentum. W e have received it from
Walthamftow by favour of Mr. E. Forfter, who has in fome
fpikelets obferved 2, or even 3 , fmall inner valves to its calyx.
Mr. Groult found it at Kennington without any fuch appendages,
In time of flowering and duration it agrees with the
preceding, but differs in being rather fmaller; in having a
perfectly fmooth Hem and fpike-ftalk ; in its fpikelets being
as long as the calyx, or very nearly fo, their florets either
quite beardlefs, or at moft furnifhed with fhort, lax, very weak
fmooth bridles.
W e learn from Mr. Relhan’s new edition of the Flora Can-
tabrigienjis that this fpecies (as well as the preceding) is found
in that county. It has not yet been detected in Norfolk.