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P O A flexu ofa .
Z ig z a g M e a d ow -g r a f s .
TR1ANDRIA Digvnia.
G en. C h ar. Cal. of 2 valves,-containing many florets.
Spikelet rounded at the bafe. Cor. o f a ovate,
pointed, beardlefs valves,
Spfec. C har. Panicle zigzag. Spikelets o f three
flowers. Glumes ovate, connected by a web.
Stipulas all lanceolate.
Syn. Poa flexuofa. Snt. FI. Brit. 101.
rJ »L 1 H E Scottifh mountain of Ben Nevis, amohgft: a profufiofi
o f botanical rarities, has afforded us this new fpecies of Poa,
difcovered there by the late Mr. John Mackay, a young man
who facrificed his repofe, and finally his health and life, to the
too ardent purfuit of botany and horticulture. His difcriminat-
ing powers and readinefs of communication will long live in
the memory of thofe who knew him. W e would never negleCt
the opportunity of twining a modeft garland for the brows of fuch
benefactors to fcience, even though it were only of grafs or mofs.
This Poa, we believe, has never been mentioned except in the
Flora Britannica. It is perennial, growing in fmall tufts, and
flowering in July. The colour of the herbage is a light, rather
glaucous, green. The Items afeend obliquely, and are often
bent at the joints. Leaves fpreading, narrow, {harp, roughifh
above, with long, lax, flattifh fheaths. Stipulas all lanceolate
and acute. Panicle ovate, rather denfe, its ftalks angular,
rough, more or lefs zigzag, efpecially at the bafe. Spikelets
broad-ovate, rather glaucous, of about 3 florets. Calyx-glumes
a little unequal, hardly falcate, acute, rough at the keel, white
and thin at the edge, and ftained with purple towards that part.
Florets fhaped and coloured much like the calyx, or rather lefs
ovate ; their margin fmooth, not filky, their keel rough, their
bates connected by long hairs. Their inner glumes are rough
at the edge.