j ; I
Conferva zonata, Web. & Mohr, in Ag. Syst. p. 90 ; Harv.
Jlan. 126. Eng. El. v., p. 3.51. Mack. Hib. 224. Dillw.
Conf. Syn. p. 41. Jobnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 254. Gray Arr. i.,
onferva lubrica, Dillw. Conf. t. 47.
Conferva lucens, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1655 ; ii., t. 2475.
In ditches, ponds, swamps, &c.
Plate L X IX . fg . a. | ordinary condition.
,, c. Portion of a thread with one macrozoospore
/ •
in each cell showing the red spot.
Macrozoospores free with four cilia.
Maorozoospores in the resting state.
Maorozoospores germinating.
Plantlet of six cells.
Threads with ripe microzoospores.
„ h2. With macro and microzoospores.
„ i. Microzoospores free with two cilia.
„ h. Microzoospores in conjngation.
„ I. Resting zygospores, the result of the conjngation
of pairs of zoospores.
„ m. Portion of threads with growing plantlets
arising from nncopulated microzoospores
left behind in the mother-cells.
„ n. Three healthy zygospores, 8 months and 9
days old.
,, 0. Zygospore contents differentiating.
,, p . „ in a later stage.
,, q. ,, very large in two positions, showaltogether
10 zoospores.
,, r. ,, with zoospores elongated.
H o im is c ia sequalis. (K u tz) Ralh. Alg. Eur. iii., 363.
Yellowish-green, cells equal, or a little longer than their
diameter; cell-membrane, rather thick.
var. catenaefoimis. Kutz.
Bather thicker than in the typical form ; cells a little longer
than their diameter ; cell membrane thick, striate, manifestly
constricted at the septa.
S i z e . Cells -012--018 mm. diam.
Ulothrix cequalis, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 89, f; 1. Kirch.
Alg. Schl. 76.
Ulothrix catenceformis, Kutz. Tab. Phy. ii., t. 89, f. 2.
In ditches and streams (mostly rapid) attached to aquatic
Plate LXX. fig. 2. Portions of threads of Hormiscia catenceformis
X 400 diam.
UL0TEI0HEA3. 181
H o im is c ia sp e c io sa . (Carm.) Rahh. Alg. Bur. n i., 363.
Dark green, 1-2 inches long, threads often orispate, cells 2-4
times shorter than their diameter, fructiferous cells subglobose.
S i z e , Cells -043-'048 mm. diam.
Ulothrix speciosa, Kutz. Tab. Pby. ii., t. 93.
Lyngbya speciosa, Cann. Alg. App. ined. Harv. Phyc.
Britt, t. 186 B. Brit. El. ii., 871. Wyatt Alg. Danm. No.
In brackish and fresh water.
_ Scarcely any good features whereby this can be distingnished from H.
Plate L X X . fig. 3. Portions of threads of Hormiscia speciosa X 400
H o im is c ia b ic o lo i. (Eng. Rot. i., t. 2288.)
^ Bright green. Tufts very long, one foot or more ; articulations
two to three times shorter than their diameter, pectinate ;
cell membrane thick, distinctly lamellose.
S i z e . Cells '05 mm. diam.
Ulothrix crispa, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii.,t. 92, f. 4. Kutz. Spec.
Conferva bicolor, Eng. Bot. i., t. 2288.
Tyndaridea bicolor, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2508. Eng. FI. v., 361.
Ulothrix bicolor, Ealfs, Alg. Exs. No. 13.
(?) Sphceroplea crispa, Berk. Glean, t. 3, f. 1. Harv. Man.
Lyngbya crispa, Jenner El. Tonb. Wells, 188.
In fresh water.
Whether this he really the Sphceroplea crispa of “ Berkeley’s Gleanings
” seems open to reasonable doubt.
Plate LXX. jig. 7. Portion of thread of Hormiscia bicolor with
microzoospores in lower cells X 400 diam.
G en . 67. ULOTHRIX. Kutz. (1845.)
Threads articulate, simple ; articulations short, sometimes
shorter than their diameter, rarely a little longer ; cell membrane
thin, often very th in , very rarely lamellose. Cell contents
effused, green, parietal, inclosing an amylaceous granule.
The slight, differences between this genns and Hormiscia seems
scarcely sufficient to maintain them as distinct genera.
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