in a double series, slieaths narrow, brown or yellow brown, paler
at the tips or almost colourless.
S iz e . Trichomes ’035-'05 mm.
Eng. PL T., 363. Hass. Alg. 229, t. 66 , f. 4, 5. Harv.
Man. 153.
Sirosiphon panniformis, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 36, f. 2.
Sci/tonema palmiforme, Ag. Syst. p. 89.
On rocks, stones, &o.
Plate ex. fig. 4. Portion of trichomes X 400 diam.
Stigonema m am ilio sum . {Ag.) Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 37, / . 4.
_ Forming continuous tufts several inches in diameter, branches
simple, their diameter being greatest in the middle, and beset
on all sides with matnillffi of various sizes.
S iz e . Trioiiome -Ob-’l mm., very variable.
Kirch. Alg. Sohl. 229. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 291. Eng, FL
V ., 368. Hass. Alg. 228, t . 66, f . 2, 3. Harv. Man. 158.
Mack. Hib. 236.
Rocky bottoms of sub-alpine rivulets.
Plate CXI. fig. 3. Portion of young triohome X 400, becoming more
opaque with age.
S tig on em a compactum. Kirch. Alg. Schl. 230.
Forming an expanded compact tomentose dark brown stratum,
trichomes and branches ascending, a little attenuated at the
apices, obtuse, internally formed of a single, rarely a double
series of cells, wliich are torulose and almost moniliform,
diameter and length nearly equal, filled with a pale blue-greeu
granular plasma, sheaths firm, golden brown, heterocysts subglobose
or oblong.
S iz e . Trichomes -015-’016 mm.
Sirosiphon cornpactus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 8 6 , f. 3 . Rabh.
Alg. Eur. ii., 287. Leight. Licli. Flora, p. 9 .
Hassallia compacta, Hass. Alg. 232, t. 68 , f. 3 .
Scytonema compactum, Eng. FL v., 365. Harv Man 154
Grev. Ed. 302. . ‘ ‘
On wet rocks.
Plate CXI. fig. 4. Portions of trichomes X 400 diam.
Stigonema tur fa c eum . {Berk. Eng. Bot. Supp. t. 2826, f. 1.)
Pulvinate, deep olivaceous black, 2 lines thick. Trichomes
very thick, much branched, golden yellow, becoming brownish,
variously curved, branches polymorphous, varying in thickness
according to age, obtusely rounded at the apex, cells in several
series, from 2 to 4 rows in the ramuli, sheaths thick, yellow
brown, hyaline.
S iz e . Trichomes •025--03 mm.
Sirosiphon pulvinatus, Breb. in Kutz. Spec. 317 (1849).
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 290.
Hassallia turfosa, Hass. Alg. p. 232 (1845). Kutz. Sp. p.
Scytonema turfaceum, Eng. Bot. ii,, t. 2517, f. 1.
Dematium turfaceum. Link, Spec, i., 134.
On tb e ground in heathy places and on rocks.
Berkeley says that this Alga was named by Klotsoh as Dematium
turfaceum. Link,, “ which there is every reason to believe is correct.”
“ I t is,” he says, “ a true Scytonema,” As far as we have been enabled
to trace it, it seems to be the same as the Sirosiphon pulvinatus of
Brebisson. The specific name of turfaceum has undoubted priority.
Plate CXI. fig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400 diam.
S tig on em a sa x ic o lum . {Naeg. in Kutz. Spec. 316.)
Forming a th in dark olive velvety stratum. Trichomes
minute, curved, variously brauolied, closely crowded into a thin
dark crust or evenly scattered tufts ; sheath narrow, fuscous,
cells in a single series, growing denser and nucleate with age.
S iz e . Trichomes •018-'02 mm.
Sirosiphon saxicola (N ag .). Johnson in Grevillea xii., p.
76. Fischer Nost. fig. 13.
On damp rocks, or rocks down which water trickles.
Plate CXI. fig. 1. Abbreviated trichomes X 400, seldom exceeding
this in size.
S tig on em a m in u tum . Hass. Alg. 280, t. 61, f . 3, 4.
Spreading in a black suborbicular crust, or scattered in little
tufts. Trichomes minute, erect, rigid, flexuous, fastigiate
branches short, obtuse, sheath ra ther broad, fuscous ; cells
usually in a single series. ‘
S iz e . Trichomes •02--03 mm.
Scytonema minutum, Harv. Eng. FL v., 365. Harv. Man.
155. Mack. Hib. 236.
On moist rooks in Alpine districts.
Figured from tho original specimen of the English Flora iu the Kew
Plate OX. fig. 1. Portion of trichome, nearly complete, X 400 diam.
2 Q