S iz e . Threads '006-’012 mni. diarn.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 323. Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 44, f. 1, 2.
Eng. B'l. v.,p . 351. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 159. Harv. Man. 126.
Mack. Hib. 224. Kirsch. Alg. Schl. p. 79.
Conferva sórdida, Dillw. Conf., t. 60. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii.,
254. Eng. Bot. i., t. 2303. Grev. F l. Ed. 317. Gray Arr.
i., 310.
Vesimlifera bombycina, Jenner Fl. Timh. Wells, 186.
In ditcbes, pools, &o., common.
Plate L l l l . fig. 4. Portions of threads of O. bombycina X 400.
Genus 60. C H A iTOm O R FH A . Kutz. (1845.)
Articulate thread simple, nearly equally thick, fixed by a
discoid, or root-like divided base, lower articulations always
short, before division equal, or half as long again as the diameter,
after division shorter than the diameter, upper articulations more
or less elongated. Cell-membrane thick, firm, sub-cartilaginous,
manifestly lamellose. Cell contents green, becoming by
age parietal, continuous, finely granulate, containing a few
starch granules.
Propagation by zoogonidia.
Chiefly marine, a few in brackish water.
The lamination of the cell walls in this genns, and in Cladophora,
appeared to Brann to present some analogy to the rings in vascular
stems. He says, “ The great number of layers which may be distinguished
by suitable treatment in tbe cell membrane, even of plants of
short \iie (Cladophora, Botrydium, is not opposed to the assumption
that they are diurnal layei'S, and it is imaginable, nnder this
hypothesis, that bright and dull days, as well as the age of the cell, and
other circumstances, may effect important modifications in reference to
the formation of distinguishable layers.”
Cheetomorpha. lito x e a . (Harv.)
Rigid, green, críspate ; articulations before division one and
a-half times as long as the diameter, here and there swollen in
pairs and discoloured.
S iz e . T h re ad s-16 mm. diam.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 827.
Conferva Utorea, Harv. Man. p. 208. Phyc. Britt., t. 333.
Conferva linum, Harv. in Eng. Fl. v., 352. Wyatt, Alg.
Danm., No. 220.
In salt water ditches, and estuaries.
“ Filaments 3-4 inches long or more, loosely bundled together in
prostrate or floating strata of considerable extent, and of a pale green
colonr, becoming darker and duller as the season advances. Bach filament
is irregularly curled and twisted, and sometimes angularly bent.
The articulations are cylindrical, filled with a pale green watery endo-
chrome, and about once and a-half as
at irregular intervals, two P™^™').Ue.,b!oed swellffi
than the rest, form being darkest and densest where
coloured endochrome collects commencement of
the two cells touch each other ^hts looks 1^ gporanmnm is ultimately
Bcarcely adlieres to paper. Hojivey.
Plate L IV . fig. 1. Tor«®“ Choetomorplia Uorea X 100
^"“ chtetomoxpha lin um . (Both) Tab. m . , t . 55, /. 3.
m m s m ,
indistinctly lamellose, contracted at the joints.
S iz e . Threads -25 mm. thick. + 1 50 f a
Rabh. Alg. F u r. iii., 327. Haiw. Phyc B u tt k 150, t.
Conferva linum, H - °p . 5 9 8 . Lightf. Fl.
Conferva ca p illa n s, Huds. 11. An^,., p
Scot. 988. D i l l w . Conf. t. 9. ^25.
Conferva crassa, Eng. T i. v.,
I n brackish and salt water. _
“ Filaments from a few T ig i/c r r ip ’as a h o g ’s bristle, v e j much curled g , and bffrtle, soonb buencdolems-,
ing flaccid 'f ®*j?®“ f ^ e a ’ inUtrata, one above the other Artrcu-
of considerable length, granular fluid, which m some
lations about as long as bro , Eventually the joints divide m the
joints is more dense than ™ ®“ ® ^ separates, a new diaphragm is
centre by a transverse line, and „ „ J ioint. This species varies
then gradnally J Z L times a dark green,
much in colour, ° k and lUht green. Substance rigidand
is very often mottled with “ d li f
zoogonidia X 300.
ChKtomoipha su to r ia . {Berk.)
V A g , e „ , cri.p « t., » ¿ f J “ ' “ ‘,1 7 : ° bio'.“ ‘: t
s s z i r . b « tb .' o . i i -™ » b ~ . • b k b d i . -
H.rv. M m .
Conferva sutona. Berk. Glean,, t. 1 ,
128. Pbyo. Britt., 1 .150, f. b.
In brackish ditches, estuaries, and salt water.
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