Iti Il_
OE d o g o n ium c u rv um . Prings. Beitr. p 69, i. 5, /. 3.
Oogonia 2-7 continuons, or single, depressed globose, opening
by a median pore; oospores depressed globose, filling tlie
oogonium ; spermogonia 3 or many celled, situated in tbe upper
p a rt of the filament ; spermatozoids single, the upper p a rt of
the thread arcuate, or spirally twisted.
S iz e . Cells -005-'01 mm. H -4 times as long ; oogonia
•023-'025 X •02-'024mm. ; oospore •02--028 x -016-'019 mm. ;
cells of spermogonium •007-’009 x '007-'009 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog p. 8. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 52. Rabh.
A lg . Eur. iii. 350.
Plate L Y I I I . Jig. 3. OEdogonium curvum, with oogonia and spermogonia
X 400.
OE d o g o n ium c ym a to s p o rum , Wittr. S; Nord, in WiUr. disp. OEdog.
p . 1 2 1 .
Cogonia single, rarely binate, rather depressedly globose,
opening by a pore at the middle, or a little above the middle,
nearly filling the oogonium, membrane of the oospore scrobiou-
late (undulated in a transverse section), pits deep and dense;
spermogonia 1-4 celled, somewhat epigynous, hypogynous, or
scattered ; spermatozoids single.
Siz e . Cells -OOS-'Ol mm. 4-7 times as long; oogonia
•024--034 X -027--036 mm. ; oospore -022--031 x -019--027
mm. ; cells of sperm. •008--009 x ■009-‘015 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 8.
Plate L Y I I I . fig. 4. OEdogonium cymatosporum with oogonia. a
oospore vertical view x 400.
OE d o g o n ium m in u s . Wittr. 3Ion. OEdog. p. 9.
Cogonia single, depressedly globose, manifestly splitting
round in the middle, opening by a median pore, oospores depressedly
globose, nearly filling the oogonium; spermogonia
1-10 celled, subepigynous, or subhypogynous, or rarely scattered
; spermatozoids single ; vegetative cells slightly capitate,
membrane of vegetative cells and oogonia figured with dense
points spirally disposed.
S iz e . Cells -OOQ-'OIS mm. 3-6 times as long ; oogonia
•034--046 X •028--042 mm. ; oospore •03-'042 X •026-036
mm. ; cells of sperm. •009-‘012 x 'OOS-'OObmm.
OEdog. punctato-striatum DeBary var. minor. Wittr. disp.
OEdog. Suec p. 123. Rabh. Alg. Eur. No. 2277.
Plate L V II I. fig. 5. OEdogonium minus with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium v e rn a le . (Hass) Wittr. Mon. OEdog.p . 10.
Cogonia single, obversely egg-shaped or globose, opening
with an operculum, fissure narrow, oospores globose, not filling
the oogonium, spermogonia bicellular, sub-epigynous.
S i z e . Cells -010- 016 mm. by 4 ^ 6 times as long; oogonia
•339--045 X -045--051 mm. ; oospore -034--038 x ■084-’039
mm. ; sperm, cell -01--012 x '008--009 mm.
Vesiculifera vernalis Hass. F . W. Alg. p. 434.
Vesiculifera Candollei Hass. F . W. Alg. p. 208, t. 52, f. 9.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 355.
Plate L V I I I. fig. 6. OEdogonium vernale with oogonia and spermogonia
X 400.
OEdogonium crispum . Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 10.
Cogonia single, obversely egg-shaped or globose, opening
with an operculum, fissure narrow; oospores nearly globose, not
filling the oogonium ; spermogonia 2-5 celled, hypogynous, or
sub-epigynous ; spermatozoids binate, terminal cell obtuse.
S i z e . Cells •012-'018 mm. 2-4^ times as lo n g ; oogonia
•037--049 X •042--054 mm. ; oospore ■083--046 x •034--046
mm. ; sperm, cell -009--014 x •007-'012 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 52.
Versiculifera crispa, Hass. F. W. Alg, 203, t. 52, f. 8.
OEdogonium rostellatum, Prings. Beitr. p. 69, t. 5, f. 1 ;
Archer Quart. Journ, Mior. Sci., 1867, p. 79 ; Rabh. Alg. Eur!
iii, 347.
OEdogonium pulchellum, Braun. Eabh, Alg. Eur. 2095.
Britain and Ireland.
“ This is one of several monoecious species, but it is also characterized
by the oogonium not opening by a pore or aperture formed in its wall,
for the admission of the spermatozoids, as is usual in this genus, but by
a ciroumsoissile dehiscence. From the cleft so produced an inner mem.
brane projects, which seems to be itself perforate.”—Archer.
Plate L V lI l.J ig . 1. OEdogonium ci-ispum YiiVa oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium V a u c h e iii. (Le Olerc.) Braun. Chytr, t. 2, f. 13.
Cogonia single, obversely egg-shaped, or globose, or nearly
globose, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores globose
or nearly globose, not completely filling the oogonium ; spermogonia
2-4 celled, sub-epigynous or hypogynous, spermatozoids
S i z e . Cells •02--03 mm. l | - 4 times as long; oogonia
•04--055 X •045--065mm. ; oospore-OSô-'Oô x ■035--052 mm. •
sperm, cell •017-'024 x -OOe-’O lI mm. ’
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