■ r
Chroolepus um h iin um . KuU.
Stratum thin, crustaceous, ra ther pulverulent, reddish brown
growing pale when dead, threads and branches abbreviated,
torulose, joints nearly as long as broad, broadly elliptic or subglobose.
S i z e . C e ls -02 m m . d iam .
Rabh. Alg. Eur. i., 372.
Protococcus crustaceus, Kutz. Spec. 203.
Protococcus umhrinus, K u tz . Pbyc. Gen., t. 7, f. 2. Colin in
Hedwigia i.,p . 1.
On the bark of beech and oak. (Kelvedon. E . G. V.)
Plate CXXX. fig. 2. Chroolepus umhrinum X 400 diam.
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