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E ndosmosb (endon, Gr. within, + osmos, impulsion).
The inward current established between fluids of different
densities when separated by a membrane.
E ndosporium, E ndospore (endon, Gr. within, -f- spora, a spore).
The inner coating of a spore.
E pigynous (epi, Gr. upon, + gyne, a female).
Seated upon tbe female organ.
E p iphytal (epi, Gr. upon, + phyton, a p la n t).
Growing upon plants.
E pispore (epi, Gr. upon, + spora, a se ed).
Tbe outer integument of a spore.
E pizoic (epi, Gr. upon, + zdon, an animal).
Growing upon animals.
E xosporium, E xospoeb (exo, Gr. outwards, + spora, a spore).
The outer membrane of tbe coat of a spore.
F ascicle (fascicula, L. a little bundle).
A bundle.
F asciculate (fascicula, L. a little bundle).
In bundles from a common point.
F ilamentose (filum, L. a th r e a d ) .
Composed of threads. Thread-like.
F oliaceous (folium, L. a leaf).
Resembling a leaf.
F urpueaceous (furfur, L . bran ).
Mealy, or resembling meal.
Geminate (gemini, L. twins).
Produced in pairs.
Genuflexuous (genu, L. a knee, + flecto, I bend).
Bent angularly like a knee joint.
G onidia (gone, Gr. offspring, seed, -t- eidos, resemblance).
Propagative bodies of small size not produced directly or
indirectly by any act of fertilization.
Gonosphere (gonos, Gr. seed, + sphcera, a ball).
A ball-like agglomeration of spores.
Gynandrosporous (gyne, Gr. a woman, -I- aner, a man).
Bearing male and female spores.
H amate (Jiamus, L. a b o o k ) .
Hook-shaped, resembling a book.
H eterooyst (heteros, Gr. diverse, -f cystos, a bladder).
Intercalated cells of a special character differing from
tbeir neighbours.
H eterogenous (heteros, Gr. another, -f genos, race, family).
Unlike, or dissimilar in kind.
H exahedrical (hex, Gr. six , -f hedron, a side).
Having six sides.
H omogenous (homos, Gr. alike, -f genos, race, family).
Of the same kind. Consisting of elements of a like nature.
H ormogone (hormos, Gr. a necklace,-1- offspring).
Special reproductive bodies, composed of a chain of cells.
H yaline (hyalos, Gr. glass).
Transparent, resembling glass.
H ypnosporanqium, H ypnosporange (hypnos, Gr. sleep).
Sporangium enclosing hypnospores.
H ypnospork (hypnos, Gr. sleep -f spore).
Spores which repose some time before germinating =
“ resting spores.”
H ypogynous (hijpo, Gr. under, -b gyne, a woman).
Seated beneath the female organ.
I dio-androsporous (idios, Gr. proper, -f androspores).
Neuterindividuals, produoingandrospores(in OEdogonium).
I ntercalated (inier-calare, L. to insert in the calendar).
Interspersed, placed between others.
I ntercellular (inter, L. between, -t- cellular).
Between the cells.
I nterstitial (interstitium, L. a space between).
Placed between.
I solated (insula, L. an island, through the Italian isola).
Detached, placed by itself.
IsospoRB (isos, Gr. equal, -f spora, a seed).
Applied to spores which are all of one size, or kind, in
tbe same plant.
L acuna (lacuna, L. a little hole).
A depression, cavity, or intercellular space.
L amellæ (lamellæ, L. tbin plates of metal).
Thin plates or membranes parallel to each other.
L amellose (lamellæ, L. thin plates of metalj.
Formed of layers or plates superimposed.
L ubricous (lubricus, L. slippery).
L unate (lana, L. tbe moon).
Maorandrous (macros, Gr. large, long, -f aner, a man).
Having elongated male plants.
M acrogonidia (macros, Gr. large, long, -b gonidia).
Large gonidia.
M atrical (matrix, L. the womb).
Belonging to the matrix.
Mesophyllic (mesos, Gr. middle, + phyllos, a leaf).
In the middle of a leaf or frond.
Mbsosporium, Mbsosporb (mesos, Gr. middle, + spora, a spore).
The middle membrane of the coat of a spore.
Metagenesis (meta, Gr. after, -b genesis, origin).
A kind of alternation of generations.
M icrogonidia (micros, Gr. small, -b gonidia).
Small gonidia.
M icropylk (micros, Gr. small, -b pyle, g ate).
The aperture in tbe .skin of a seed which was tbe
foramen in tbe ovule. A little scar.