U N.
+ l!
I -
golden brown, the outer permanent, yellowish or becoming pale ;
cell-contents verdigris green, granulose.
S i z e . Cells '006--009 mm. with envelope. Families
•015--075 mm.
Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 47. Kiroh. Alg. Sohles. p. 260.
On rocks.
Plate LXXXIV. fig. 5. Cells and families magnified 400 diam.
G en u s 83. APHANOCAPSA, M g . (1849.)
Cells spherical, with a thick, soft, colourless tegument, confluent
in a homogenous mucous stratum. Cell division as in
Glewocapsa.—Rahh. A lg . E u r . ii., 48.
Aphanocapsa v ix e s c en s. {Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. Ii., 248.
Thallus gelatinous, more or less expanded, dirty green, or
olive, becoming brownish, cells of medium size, pale bluish-
green, solitary or in pairs, tegument scarcely visible. Cell
contents homogenous, sometimes with a central vacuole.
S i z e . C e l ls a b o u t '0 0 5 5 m m . d iam .
Sorosporium virescens, Hass. Alg. 310, t. 78, f. 8 a.
Aphanocapsa p a rie tin a . Nag. Einz. Alg. t. lb , f. 1.
Cn stones, rocks, &c.
Plate LXXXVI. Jig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam.
Aphanocapsa xivulaxis. (Oarm.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 49.
Thallus hemispherical, gelatinous, tuberculose, often confluent,
ieruginous-green, becoming brownish when dry ; cells spherical,
scattered, single or in pairs, tegument very thick, not lamellose,
colourless, soon diffluent. Cell-contents bluish-green, delicately
S i z e . Cells about -005-'006 mm. diam.
P a lm e lla rivularis, Carm. MSS. Harv. in Hook. Eng. FI.
V ., . p. 397. Harv. Man. 177.
Coccochloris rivularis, Hass. Alg. 317, t. 78, f. 6 a, h.
Cn rocks and stones inundated, in mountain streams.
“ Fronds one-fourth or half an inch in diameter, hemispherical, tubercular,
firmly adhering, sometimes cohering into a broad crust. Colour
vivid green.”—Carmichael.
Plate LXXXVI. fig. 2. Cells of A. is, X -400.
Aphanocapsa G x e v ille i. (Hass.) Rahh. Alg. Eur. II., 60.
Thallus gelatinous, globose, densely aggregated, more or less
confluent, dirty gi-een, from olive to brownish when dry ; cells
sphierioal or elliptic, rather crowded, single or in pairs, nestling
in a homogenous jelly, tegument quickly diffluent, cell-contents
blue-green, delicately granulose.
S i z e . Cells -OOSS-’OOe mm. diam.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. 261. „ , o
Coccochloris Grevillei. Hass. Alg. 318, t. 78, f. 7 a, b, 8.
P a lm e lla botryoides, Grev. Orypt. F l. k 248, f. 2.
Fl. v., 396. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 207. Grev. Fl. Ed. 323. Mack.
Hib 244.
P a lm ella Grevillei, Berkl. Glean, p. 16, t. v., f. 1. Harv.
Man. 177.
B o tryd in a Grevillei, M.eneg. N o s t. p. 17. „
B yssu s botryoides, Huds. Ang. 608. Lightf. Fl. Scot. p.
1006. Rehl. Cant. 447. ..
Cocochloris radicata, Johnst._F1. Berw. ii., 262.
Olivia botryoides, Gray Arr. i., 849. „ + i r k
B yssu s pulverulenta v irid is, Dillen. Muse. 3, t. 1, i. o.
~ ’ ■ ■ ’ s saturate virens, Ray. Syn. 56, No. 5.
On damp lieatlis and moors,
Plate LXXXVI. fig. 3. a, natural size ¡ b, cells magnified 400 diam.
A p h a n o c a p s a d ep x e s sa . (Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur, il., 51.
Thallus somewhat hemispherical, depressed, gelatinous, green.
Cells sphærioal or irregular, variable in size.
S i z e . Cells •0025--008 mm.
P a lm e lla depressa, Berk. Glean. 19, t. 5, f. 4. Harv. Man.
Coccochloris depressa, Meneg. Nost. 68. Hass. Alg. p. 316,
t. 78, f. 4 a, b.
Growing on an old pump, at Cotterstook, Northamptonshire,
constantly moistened with the drippings from the spout.
“ Fronds bright yellow-green, gelatinous, subhemispherioal, depressed,
crowded together, filled with more or less globose or angular very minute
Plate LXX XV I. fig. 4. a, plant natural size ; b, cells magnified 400.
G e n u s 84. M IC R O CY ST IS . Kutz. (1833.)
Cells sphærioal, numerous, densely aggregated, enclosed in a
very thin globose mother vesicle, forming solid families, singly,
or several, surrounded by a universal tegument. Cell division
in three directions alternately.
This genus as defined by Eabenhorst (Alg. Enr. ii., 51) not appearing
to differ essentially from Anacystis, both are muted in this work.