R iv u la iia . g ra n uU fe ra . Garmichael M S S .
Frond large, convex, becoming hollow underneath, fleshy,
lubricous, brownish olive, often including strong particles.
S iz e . Trichomes '0 0 6 mm. diam. at the
Harvey in Eng. Flor. v., 393. Harv. Man. 151. Hass. Alg.
363, t. 65, f. 1, 4.
On cliffs exposed to the trickling of water.
“ Fronds from a line to half an inch in diameter, often confluent, convex,
and at length concave underneath, fleshy, dusky olive-green, aud
extremely slippery. Filaments rather thick, repeatedly dichotomous.”
Plate CXV. fig . 1. Triohomes, from an original and authentic specimen,
X 400 diam.
Uncertain Specie.
R iv u la iia botryoide s. Carmichael MSS.
Fronds minute, aggregated, roundish, wrinkled, ferruginous,
cartilaginous. Trichomes dichotomous.
S iz e . Not stated.
Harvey in Eng. Flor. v., 392. Harv. Man. 150.
In streamlets, attached to rocks and stones.
“ Fronds about a line in diameter, hemisphærioal, wrinkled and cartilaginous,
scattered, or running together like a bunch of grapes. Tri.
chômes cohering firmly, obscurely striated, dichotomous. Colour when
fresh, black, on drying, darkly ferruginous.”— Carm.
We bave seen no specimen, and therefore can add nothing to the
above description.
Carmichael MSS.
Crust very thin, widely spreading, filaments attenuated at the
base, fastigiately branched above the middle, olive green.
Harvey, Eng. Flora v., 393. Harv. Man. 151.
Liihonema crustaceum, Hass. Alg. 266, t. 65, f. 3.
“ Crust of no determinate extent, extremely, thin and slimy, black.
Filaments one-fourth ot a line in length, attenuated at the base, fastigiately
branched above the middle, of an olive-green colour.”'—Carm.
Similar to Rivularia, from which it differs in the frond being
flattened, and in the filaments being erect and parallel, and not
Isa c tis p lan a . Thur. Notes Alg. ii., p. 165.
Frond crustaceous, plane, suborbicular or confluent, from 1 in.
to 2 feet, dull green, darker in the centre, lubricous, gelatinous.
Trichomes erect, parallel, sheaths hyaline.
S iz e . Trichomes -008 mm. diam.
Born, and Thur. Notes Algol, ii., p. 165, t. 40, figs. 1-4.
Rivularia plana, Harv. Man. 152.
■ Dasyactis plana, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 73, f. 1.
a, Rab. Alg. Eur. ii., 226.
Parasitic on Enteromorpha and other A lg « , chiefly in salt or
brackish water, or on rooks by the sea.
Chiefly marine, bnt rarely on Enteromorpha, in estuaries and brackish
Plate CXlV.fig. 1. Triohomes x 350 diam.—after Bornet and Thnret.
G e n u s 116. GLOIOTRICHIA. Ag. (1842.)
Trichomes pseudo-ramose, distinctly vaginate, sheaths broad,
often saccate at the base, transversely plicate. Spores originating
in the lower p a rt of the triohome.
G lo io tz ich ia n a ta n s . Thur. Ann. Soi. Nat.V15,3Tl.
Globose or angular, tuberculose, variable in size and form,
green, becoming brownish, trichomes straight, torulose, flexuous
and hyaline above ; lower joints more or less compressed. Sbeath
broad, here and there constricted, colourless or yellowish. Spores
oblong, oylindrioal, heterocysts subglobose.
S iz e . Trichomes-01--12 mm. at base, with sheath ;-0 3 mm.
diam. Spores -018 mm., and upwards, diam., several times
as long.
Rivularia gigantea, Fischer Nost., fig. 6.
Rivularia angulosa, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 67, f. 2. Eng.
Bot. t. 2551. Hass. Alg. 264, t. 60, f. 1-4. Eng. Fl. v., 394.
Harv. Man. 153.
Gloiotrichia angulosa, J . Ag. Alg. Med. 8 . Eabh. Alg. Eur.
i., 201. Jenner, Tunb. Wells, 190.
Gloiotrichia Boryana, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 68, f. 2. Rabh.
Alg. Eur. i,, 201. Ealfs. Alg. Exs., 21.
Gloiotrichia gigantea, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 201.
Rivularia pruniformis, Purt. Midi. Fl. ii., 617.
Rivularia natans, Gray Arr. i., 285.
Tremella utriculata, Huds. Ang. 564.
In ditches, ponds, &o.
Plate CXVI. fig. 1. Triohomes x 400 diam. a, homogones of same
X 400 diam.