i! í ■
S tig eo c lonium pzotensum. (Dillw.) Kutx. Tab. Phyc. iu „ t. 8, /. 2.
Pale green, caispitose, slender ; filaments and brandies long
drawn o u t ; cells almost cylindrical, equal or twice as long as
their diameter; terminal cell extended into a colonrless bristle ;
branches usually scattered, rarely in pairs, with the extremities
cuspidate, piliferous.
S iz e . Cells -015 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii,, 378.
Draparnaldia condensata, Hass. Alg. 122, t. 11, f. 1. Ann.
Nat. Hist, xi., 4'29.
Conferva protensa, Dillw. Conf. t. 67. Gray. Arr. i., 303.
In slow streams.
Flate L X X IV . Jig. 1. Filament of Stigeoclonium protensum. a,
zoospores X 400 diam.; b, branohlet of form called S. irrequlare X
400 diam.
r ■ >1
■ : 1
S tig e o c lon ium nan um . (Dillw.) Kutz. Spec. p . 352.
Filaments alternately bran ch ed ; branches abbreviated, a
little attenuated upwards, obtuse, not piliferous ; cells equal or
a little shorter than their diameter, in the upper part eqnal.
S iz e . Cells '008 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 380.
Draparnaldia nana, Hass. Alg. 124, t. 10, f. 3.
Draparnaldia sparsa, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist, xi., 428.
Conferva nana, Dillw. Conf. t. 80.
In streams (the Wye).
The following are Dillwyn’s remarks on this species:—“ The minuteness
of the filaments, which in length seldom much exceeded a line,
prevented me from ascertaining their nature so fully as I could have
wished. Their colour is pale brown, tinged with green, sub-diaphanous
under the microscope. They appear to consist of a single stem, beset
at uncertain distances with alternate branches, which are again clothed
with short, simple, solitary ramuli, placed at small distances from each
other, most commonly alternate, although sometimes two or more
together are disposed on the same side. All of them are finely acuminated;
the dissepiments are very apparent, and divide the filament into
joints, all of equal size, of which the length is about double the thickness.
To the naked eye this plant appears, when taken from the water,
like a mere mass of decaying vegetable matter. Its extreme minuteness
might fairly induce a suspicion whether it is in reality anything more
than the seedling of some kuowu Conferva. I t adheres to either glass
or paper.”
Plate LXX IV. f g . 2. Filament of Stigeoclonium nanum x 400
diam., figured from Dillwyn’s original specimen.
ClliETOl’HORACEiE. 191
s t ig e o c lo n ium fa stig ia tum . (Ealfs.) Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ni.,
t. 8, / . 1 .
Pale green, small, thread very much branched, fastigiate,
radiately disposed, mucous, upper branches alternate, fastigiate,
moniliform, somewhat pinnate, a little spreading, extended at
the apex iu a long bristle ; cells of the filament three times as
long as broad, the branches equal or twice as long, swollen,
constricted at the joints.
S iz e . Cells -012 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ill., 380.
Chcetophora fasiigiata, Kalfs. Alg. Exs., No. 9.
Attached to aquatic plants.
Flate LXXIV. fig . 3. Filament of Stigeoclonium fastigiatum X
400 diam.
Genus 72. DRAPAR.NAI.DIA. Ag. (1824.)
Articulate thread simply branched, formed of large cells, for
the most part hyaline, with a broad ohloropbyllose band, always
ste rile ; more or less densely furnished with penicellate fasciculate'
branchlets, alternate or opposite, composed of smaller
fertile cells. Terminal cells of all the branches empty, hyaline
and sterile, more or less elongated into a bristle.
Propagation by resting spores or zoogonidia.
D ia p a in a ld ia g lomerata. Ag. Syst. p . 59.
Filaments and primary branches colonrless, or nearly so ;
lower cells equal, or a little shorter than their diameter, distinctly
constricted at the joints ; chlorophyllose bands narrow,
pale green, primary branches spreading at right angles, sometimes
opposite ; fascicles of the branches crowded, alternate or
opposite, densely branched, obtuse, oval.
S iz e . Cells of main threarl -035 mm., of fascicles '008 mm.
En g PI V ., 388. J e n n e r Tunb. Wells 176. Eng. Bot. i i . ,
t 2545. Harv. Man. 121. Grev. Fl. Ed. 821. Mack. Hib.
222 Flor Dev. ii., 50. Hook. Fl. Scot. ii., 77. Gray. Arr.
i 302. Hass. Alg. 120, t. 13, f. 1. Kabh. Alg. Eur. i i i . , 881.
Kiroh. Alg. Sohles. p. 67. Kutz. Tab. Phyo. m,, t. 12.
Conferva muiahilis, Dillw. Conf. t. 12. Eng. Bot. i., t.
Batracliospermum conglomeratum, Vauch. Conf. t. 12, f. 1.
In clear pools or slow streams.
4 I 111
U i
u . 11