ri) ; ; ;
li'j f.!;
ly n g b y a subfusca. (Ag. Syst. p. 64.)
Substratum velvety, fibrillose, tawny, becoming yellowish,
forming a firm compact stratum, of a violet or steel blue colour,
changing to brownish ; trichomes rigid, straight, joints about
half as Tong as broad, with a double row of points at the commissure,
apex rather obtuse, naked.
S iz e . Trichomes ’008 mm. diam. Thinner form, trichomes
•006--007 mm. diam.
Phormidium suhfuscum, Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 125.
On stones in mountain streams.
Plate 01. fig. 3. a, portions of trichomes X 400. from Scotch specimens.
bf portions of trichomes from a thinner form X 40Q.
Genus 105. SYMPIOCA. Kutz. (1843.)
Trichomes articulate, simple, or only exhibiting the begmning
of ramification, more or less distinctly vaginate, ascending from
a prostrate base, agglutinated, together in erect or anastomosing
fascicles, or wick-like bundles, more or less procumbent,
coalescing, and often involved in a matrical gelatin.
Symploca lu c ifu g a , Barv. in Eng. Fl. V., 373.
Dark æruginous green, fascicles about two lines high, approximate,
subuliform, apex at length penioillate ; trichomes
single or twin, æruginous, joints equal or a little longer than
broad, distinctly granulated, sheaths broad, pellucid, colourless,
quite smooth.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOSfi-'OOT mm. diam., including sheath
•0 1 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 155.
Oscillatoria lucifuga, Hass. Alg. t. 65, f. 5, 6 . Harv. in
Eng. Fl. V., 373.
Calothrix lucifuga, Carm. MSS.
On pastures and heaths, on decayed alder trunk.
“ Stratum spreading dull blackish green, bristling all over with minute
ereofc fascicles about one third of a line high. Filaments thiokish,
flexuous, strongly agglutinated together, annulated within, pale
Symploca R a lfsian a , Kutz. Tah. Phyc. i. t. 74,/. 4.
Steel blue or olive becoming blackish, fascicles as much as
an inch high, densely aggregated, often coalescing, subuliform,
straight, trichomes pale blue-green or steel blue, densely
agglutinate, distinctly articulated, somewhat beaded about the
apices, joints equal or a little longer than broad, cell-contents
granular, sheaths broad, pellucid, homogenous.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOSS-'OOT mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg, Eur. ii., 157.
Oscillaria Friesii, Harv. Eng. F l. v., 373. Harv. Man.
162. Hass. Alg. p. 259. Mack. Hib. 238.
Oscillatoria Bangii, Oarm. Grev. Fl. Ed. 303.
Scytonema Bangii, Lyngb. Hydro. Dan. t. 28.
Over running mosses in shady snb-alpine situation.
“ Stratum 2-3 inches broad, bright æruginous green: Filaments
closely interwoven into erect elongated tooth-like fascicles, an inch or
more in height, pale green under the microscope, annulated within, with
a broad limb or border, well marked by its erect spinulose habit.”—
Plate OIII. fig. 1. a, portion as seen with a pocket lens, b, trichomes
X 410.
Genus 106. PLECTONEMA. Thur. (1875.)
Filaments branched, ramifications produced by the branching
of the trlcliome outside of the sheath, very irregular, and often
germinate as in Scytonema.
P le c ton em a mizab ile , Thur. Arm. Soi. Nat. (1876) 377.
Forming floccose tufts, blue-green, now and then turning
brownish, trichomes with pseudo-branches usually in pairs and
parallel ; joints shorter than their diameter, granular sheath
narrow, colourless or yellowish, quite smooth.
S iz e . Filaments '021 mm. with sheath.
Born, and Thuret, Notes Alg. ii., p. 135, t. 33.
Conferva mirabilis, Dillw. Conf. t. 96.
Calothrix Brebissonii, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 30, f. 4.
Calothrix atrovirens, Harv. Man. 159.
Calothrix mirabilis, Ag. Syst. 72. Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 271.
Hass. Alg. 243, t. 69, f. 1. Eng. Fl. v,, 369. Harv. Man. 159.
Flisa mirabilis, Gray. Arr. i., 283.
In small streams.