h. Basal cell of the stem of the male plants longer than the
B. gigantea, Pring.
Sect. 2. Oogonia ellipsoid or snbellipsoid ; oospores of the same form,
filling the oogonia, epispore longitudinally oostate, oostæ more or less
Snb-Sect. 1. Speoies moiioecions.
B. mirabilis, Wittr.
Snb-Seot. 2. Species dioecious.
A. Dissepiment o f supporting cell obsolete.
B. pygmoea, Pring.
B. Dissepiment o f supporting cell present.
B. insignis, Prings.
B. reotangnlaris, Wittr.
Speoies of which the organs of fruotifloation are imperfectly known.
B. gracilis, Prings.
Section 1. Oogonia globose, ov subglobose ; dioecious.
B. Dwarf males bicellular.
Bulbochæte in te zm ed ia . DeBary OEdog. 72, t. 4, /. 1-7.
Oogonia somewhat depressedly globose, seated beneath the
androsporangia, dissepiment of the supporting cell in the
middle ; epispore delicately crennlate (rarely seen) ; androsporangia
1-2 celled, epigynous, rarely scattered, dwarf males
seated on the oogonia, stem slightly curved.
S iz e . Cells '017-'019 mm. 1^-8 times as long ; androspore
cells -013 X -01 mm. ; oogonia -04--048 X -OSl-'Odmm. ; dwarf
males -009--01 x -024-'026 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 44, t. 1, f. 18. Kirch. Alg. Schles.
p. 60. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 358.
Britain, Ireland.
Plate LXVII. fig. 1. Bulbochoete intermedia, with oogonia, after
DeBary x 400.
Bulbochoete polyandra. Cleve. Wittr. Disp. p. 140.
Idio-androsporous. Cogonia sub-depressedly globose, seated
beneath terminal setæ or vegetative cells ; dissepiment of supporting
cell above, or rarely about the middle ; epispore delicately
crennlate or nearly even ; androsporangia 4-10 celled ;
dwarf males seated on the oogonia, stem a little curved.
Siz e . Cells -Olh-'OB mm., 3-5 times as long; oogonia
•035--046 X •082--038 mm. ; androspore cell -013--014 x
•012-'015 mm. ; dwarf males-008--009 X •023 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 46, t. 1, f. 19, 20. Kirch. Alg. Schles,
p. 61.
Britain, Ireland.
Plate L X V I I . fig. 2. Buliochoete polyandra, with oogonia; 2a, with
&ndrosporangia x 400.
dîDoaoNiAOBÆ. 175
Bulbochoete B r eb isson ii. Kutz. la b . Phyc. iv, 19, t. 86.
Cogonia obcordate-globose, truncate below, erect, seated
beneath terminal setæ or androsporangia, dissepiment of supporting
cell low, epispore delicately crennlate ; androsporangia
2-3 celled, scattered or epigynous ; dwarf males seated on the
oogonia, rarely around it, stem straight, or nearly so.
S i z e . Cells •017-’02 mm. by 8-4-L times as long; androspore
cells -015 X -015--018 m m.; oogonia -042-^05 x
•037--045 mm. ; dwarf males •01--012 x -028--033 mm.
Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 46. Rabh. Alg. Eur. Exs. 1055.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 359.
Plate LX V II. Jig. 3. Bulbochoeie Brebissonii, with oogonia, and dwarf
males x 400.
Bulb o chæ te se tig e ra . Ag. Syn. Alg. Scan. p. 71.
Cogonia depressedly, somewhat quadrangularly globose,
seated beneath terminal setæ, or beneath androsporangia ; membrane
of tbe oogoninm after fertilisation thickened; dissepiment
of supporting cell a little above the middle, or at the middle ;
epispore granulated ; androsporangia scattered or epigynous,
bicellular; dwarf males seated upon or about the oogonia, stem
S iz e . Cells •025-^028 mm., 2^-5 times as long ; androspore
cells -018--02 X •014-^018 mm. ; oogonia -075--08 X
•06-^065 mm. ; dwarf males, •012--013 X •034--036 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 47. Prings. Beitr. 72, t. 6, f. 3.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 61. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., p. 858. Hass.
Alg. t. 54, f. 1-4. Eng. Bot. ii.t. 2472. Eng. PI. v, p. 350.
Conferva vivipara Dillw. Conf. t. 59. Eng. Bot. i, 2086.
Bulbochæte Rothii Gray. Arr. 1, 321 (?).
Britain, Ireland.
Plate X L V I I I . fig. 1. Bulbochoete setigera, with oogonia and dwarf
males ; a, h, c, development of young plants x 400.
Bulbochæte g ig a n te a . Prings. Beitr. 71, i. 6 ,f. 1.
Idio-androsporous? Cogonia rather depressed obcordate-
globose, seated beneath terminal setæ, rarely beneath vegetative
colls ; dissepiment of supporting cell a t or a little above the
middle ; epispore verrucose ; dwarf males a little longer than
the oogonia, and seated upon it ; stem twice as long as the
spermogonium, arcuate.
S i z e . Cells •024-^027 mm. by 2-3 times as long; oogonia
•062--066 X •051--058mm. ; stem of dwarf males •011-^012 X
•04--045 mm. ; sperm, cell -018--014 x •02--022 mm,