Eabh. Alg. Em-. i!., 42. Kiroh. Alg. Schl 259.
Sorospora montuna, Hass. Alg. 309, t. 79, f. 1.
Palmella mnntana, A g . Syst., p. 18. Eng. Fl. v., 396. Eng.
Bot. ii., t. 2554. Harv. Man. 179.
Protococcus magma, Meneg. Nost. p. 43.
Vlva montana, Lightf. Fl. Scot. 973. Hull. Br. F l. 314.
Eng. Bot. i., t. 219"3. Hook Scot. ii., 91. W ith . Arr. iv.,
122. Merrettia alpicola, Gray Arr. i., 349.
“ Mountain dulse,” of the Scotch.
On moist rocks.
“ On the mountains of Arran, this lies unattached among loose wet
stones, covering them in a straggling manner to a considerable extent.
Each frond is 1-Q inch, in diameter, flattish, somewhat orbicular,
between coriaceous and gelatinous, when dry almost horny, of a deep but
dull purple colour, much lobed and curled like some Oyrophoroe, filled
with crowded .clusters of granules, which, if minutely examined are found
to he mostly arranged in fours ”—Hooker.
In Scotland it is called Mountain Dulse, and, according to Lightfoot,
“ the Highlanders wash it and rub it between their hands into some
water, so as to make a thin pulpy mixture, with which they purge their
Plate LXXXIV. fig . 3. Cells and families maguified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa in p ic o la . Kutz. Spec. p. 221.
Thallns black, then fuscous or brown, crnstaceous, thin, rather
gruniou.s, cells small, sphæiioal, tegument narrow, not lamellose,
fuscous then rusty-brown, for the most p a rt associated in fours,
rarely in twos ; outer tegument broad, very pale, globose, enclosing
numerous smaller families, soon diffluent ; cell-oontents pale
verdigris green, or rusty brown.
S i z e . Cells -OOSS-’OOh mm. Families '07 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur, ii., 43.
On rocks amongst moss (Scotland).
Plate LXXXIV. fig. 4. Cells and families maguified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa san gu in ea . (Ag.) Kutz. Tab. I., t. 22.,
Thallns effused, gelatinous, thin, blood red or thicker and
somewhat crustaceous, then becoming blackish brown; cells of
medium size, sphærioal, tegument intense blood red, not lamellose,
in the middle pale red, the extreme outer colourless or
nearly so, very broad, globose or angular ; cell-contents pale verdigris
green, granulose.
S iz e . Cells with envelope •0037-'009 mm. Families to
•14 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 43. Kiroh. Alg. Schles 259.
Palmella sanguinea, Ag. Syst. p. 15.
Hcematococcus sanguineus. Ag. Icon. t. 24. Harv. Man. p.
181. Hass. Alg. 329, t. 79, f. 2. Eng. Fl. v., p. 395.
On rocks.
Plate LXXXV. fig. 1. Ceils and families magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa R a lfsia n a . (Harv.) Kutz. Tab. i., t. 23.
Thallus gelatinous, compact, dark purple brown ; cells of
medium size, sphærioal, tegument very thick, opaque, and intense
purple, the outer very broad, usually angular from mutual
compression, almost colourless, rarely diffluent, enclosing
smaller families of 2, 4, 6, 8 ; cell-contents granulated, pale verdigris
S i z e . Cells with envelope •01-'017 mm. Small families
•022-’04 mm. Large families, to -17 mm.
Eabh. Alg. E u r. ii., 44.
Sorospora Ealfsii, Hass. Alg. 310, t. 79, f. 3.
Palmella Ralfsii, Harv. Man. 179.
Amongst moss and lichens.
“ Thallus a few lines in diameter, gelatinous, somewhat areolate, or as
if composed of numerous small vesicles massed together, each of which
contains 2-4 or 8 large blood red granules, which are much larger and of
a far deeper colour than those of Cf. magma.”—Harvey.
Flate LXXXV. fig . 2. Cells and families magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa S h u ttlew o r th ian a . Kutz. Tab. I., t. 23, f. 1.
Thallus gelatinous, rather hard, compact, dark rufous brown ;
cells small sphærical, tegument very thick, many times broader
than the central cell, globose, intense orange red, the outer globose
or angular, homogenous, pale orange, or (rarely) colourless,
all, except th e inner, soon diffluent ; celi-ooiitents pale
verdigris green.
S i z e . Cells with envelope -Ü075- 013 mm. Families -035
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 44. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. 259.
On moist rocks, and amongst moss.
Plate LXXXV. fig. 3. Cells and families magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa x u p e stiis. Kutz. Tab. Phyo. l., t. 2 2 ,/. 11
Thallus dark brown, crustaceous, rather hard ; cells rather
large, sphærical ; legumeut very thick, lamellose, yellow or