S i z e . Cells -004-005 mm., with tegument •008--012 mm.
Families -025-'045 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schles., 251.
Coccochloris cystifera, Hass. Alg. 441, t. 103.
Gloeothece devia, Nag. Einz. Alg., t. 1, f. G. 3.
On rocks.
Plate L J X X V I ll. fig. 1. Cells and families magnified 400 diam.
G loe o th e c e g z an o sa . Rabh. Alg. Evr. ii., 61.
Thallus compact-gelatinous, somewhat cartilaginous, g ran u lose,
bine-green ; cells oblong, twice as long as broad, usually
2-4 associated in families ; tegument very broad, many times
exceeding the central cell, distinctly lamellose, colourless or
nearly so, lamellæ scarcely diffluent ; cell contents homogenous
or granose, pallid blue-green.
S i z e . Cells 'Old-'OIS mm. diam.
Palmella granosa, Berk. Glean, ii., p. 19, t. 5, f. 5.
Aficrocystis granulosa, Meneg. Nost. 85.
Hcematococcus granosus, Hass. Alg. 327, t. 81, f. 6. Jenner
Tunb. Wells, 90. Harv. Man. 181.
On mosses in swamps.
Flate L X X X V I I l. fig. 2. Cells and famiiies magnified 400 diam.
Ge n u s 92. A P H A N O T H E C E . Nag. (1849.)
Differing from Gloeothece in all the teguments being usually
confluent. Cells oblong or subcylindrical. Cell-oontents now
and then green, and then with difficulty distinguished from
A p h a n o th e c e p r a s in a . Br. in Babh. Alg. No. 1572.
Thallus gelatinous, more or less globose, tuberculose, the
size of a cherry, intense bright leek-green, sometimes confluent,
and then lobed, internally now and then interwoven with hyaline
threads ; cells oblong or ovoid, 1-2 times longer than broad,
after division sphærical, tegument none, cell-contents verdigris
S i z e . Cells -OOS-'OOe x -OOS-'Oll m m .
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 65. Kiroh Alg. Schles. 252.
Coccochloris stagnina. West and Wall. Herb. Belg. 1099.
Aphanothece Mooreana, Lager. Sver. Algflora p. 44.
Palmella Mooreana, of this work p. 12, t. 5, f. 4.
In ditches and stagnant ponds.
We are of opinion that this and the next species, as well a,s the
Palmella Mooreana figured on the oth plate of this work, are all one
Plate L X X X V I I L fig- 3. a, natural s i z e b, cells maguified 400
A p h a n o th e c e s ta g n in a . (Spr.) Balh. Alg. Eur. ii., 66.
Thallus gelatinous, oblong or elliptical, or nearly
from the size of a pea to th at of a cherry, pale hyaline verdigris
g re e n ; cells oblong-oval, always smaller tlian in A.prasina,
4-1 times longer than broad, tegument none, cell-contents pallid
verdigris green.
S i z e . Cells -003--005 x -005-'008 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. 252.
Coccochloris stagnina. Spreng. Linn. Syst. iv., p. o7z.
In stagnant -water.
It is very doubtful whether any definite specific character can he found
to separate ihis from A. prasina. As we have taken both from the
same pond, the difference in colour, and m the size of the cells, may be
assumed to be attributable only to difference in age.
Plate L X X X V I Il. fig. 4. a, natural size ; 1), cells magnified 400
G e n u s 93. HOMAIOCOCCUS. Kutz. (1863.)
Thallus globose, gelatinous ; internal cells irregularly united
in a plane, oblong body, immersed in tlie gelatinous thallus.
H o m a l o c o c c u s H a s s a lU i. KuU. Osterprog. 1863, p. 6.
Thallus globose, soft, green, of the size of a pea or a hazelnut
• cells rounded or somewhat angular.
S i z e . Cells about -006--007 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eu r. ii., 69.
Coccochloris hyalina, Hass. Alg. 315, t. 78, f. 2, a, b.
In stagnant water.
Plate L X X X V I IL . fg . 5. a, natural size; b, cells magnified 400
diam. After Hassall.