; !
Sphæzozyga Jacobi. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850,332, t.8 ,J ig .8 .
Forming thick bluish green gelatinous masses, from which
tbe filaments issue in long rays.
Trichomes elongated, ends attenuated, joints quadrate, then
globose, tbe terminal one longer than broad, and usually conical.
Heterocysts spbærical, larger than the joints. Spores oblong
or cylindrical, one or two on each side of the heterooysts.
S iz e . Cells about '005 mm. Spores ’008 x •02--025 mm.
Berkeley in Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2,826, fig. 2.
Cylindrosporium licheniforme, Kutz. Spec. 292 ?
In streams, pools, &o.
We hare seen no specimen of this, and cannot say whether it is
Agardh’s species or not. Although ignored by Continental botanists, it
wonld seem from the figure, which we hare reproduced, to be a distinot
Plate XOIV, fig. 5. Portions of trichomes with heterooysts and
spores X about 400, after Balfs.
Sphæiozyga IVIoozeana. Ralfs Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850, t. 8, f. 12.
Triobomes scattered, joints minute, somewhat orbicular.
Heterocysts minute, barrel-shaped, much narrower tban the
spores. Spores very turgid, often nearly orbicular or broadly
elliptical, much larger tban the joints or heterooysts.
S i z e . C e l ls a b o u t - 0 0 3 5 - '0 0 4 m m . S p o r e s a b o u t - 0 0 8 x
• 0 1 2 - - 0 1 5 m m .
Mixed witb otber algæ.
“ I have only seen imperfect and dried filaments of this speoies intermixed
with Nostoc variegatum, Moore ; iu a recent state therefore the
form of the joints may not agree with the above description, still the
large tnrgid spores must distinguish it from every speoies but 8.
Berkeleyana, and from that it differs in its heterocysts, which are comparatively
much smaller and also longer than broad.”—Balfs.
Plate XOIV. fig. 6. Portion of triohome with heterooyst and spores
X about 400 after Balfs.
Sphærozyga leptosperma. Balfs. A nn. Nat. Hist. 1850, 334, t. 8,
/. 13.
Forming large shapeless gelatinous masses, varying from deep
green to pale yellowish green.
Trichomes elongated, n ot constricted at the dissepiments,
joints longer tban broad, separated only by transverse dissepiments,
which are not contracted, and indeed are often so obscure
th at they can hardly be detected. Heterooysts at first barrelshaped,
finally elliptic, broad at tho spores. Spores cylindrical,
4-6 times longer than broad truncate, slightly broader than tbe
ordinary joints.
S iz e . Cells '004 mm. diam. Spores about '007 X •02--03
Cylindrospermum leptospermum, Kutz. Tab. Pbyc. i., t. 99.
f. 11. Bot. Leit. p. 198.
In ditches and pools.
“ The confluent vegetative cells, with their obscure dissepiments, distinguish
this from every other British speoies.”—Ealfs.
Of this also we have no personal knowledge.
Plate XOIV. fig. 8. Portion of trichome with heterooyst and spores
X about 400. After Ealfs.
Sphæzozyga e la à tica . R a lfs Ann. Nat. Sist. 1850, 333, t. 8,fi.g.9.
Stratum deep bluish green, tender.
Triobomes elongated, constricted at the dissepiments, joints
about equal in length and breadth, but when dividing they
lengtlien, and though quadrate in the recent plant tbey acquire
slightly rounded angles when dry. Heterooysts at first barrelshaped,
then elliptic. Spores cylindrical, 4-8 times longer
than broad, ends at first truncate, but rounded after separation.
Size. Cells about '005 mm. Spores -008 X '025 mm.
Sphærozyga elastica, Agardh loon. Alg. ?
Cylindrospermum elongatum, Kutz. Tab. Pbyc. i., t. 99, f.
In bogs.
“ The moniliform filaments and shorter joints distinguish this speoies
from S. leptosperma, and its elliptic heterooysts from 8. Jacobi aud S.
Plate X C IV . fig. 7. Portions of trichomes with heterooysts and
spores X about 400, after Ealfs.
Genus 98. CYLINDROSPERMUM. (Kutz) Balfs 1850.
Heterooysts terminal, single. Other characters tbe same as
in Sphærozyga. Spores originating in cells placed ju s t below
the heterocysts.
Cylindiospezmum m a crospeimum.
f. 4.
Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 98,
Trichomes curved or nearly straight, pale blue green, more
or less interwoven ; joints globose or elliptic, often mixed with
others somewhat cylindrical, either homogenous or granular.
Heterocysts terminal, elliptical. Spores elliptic oblong, or
oblong cylindrical, green or yellowish brown, darker brown
when mature, granular, twice as long as broad.