, 1
Fzasiola ca lop h y lla . (Spreng.) 3Ienegh. Oenni, p. 36.
Ctespitose, dark green, críspate ; tballus 2-4 lines long,
narrow, linear, ratlier circinate, attenuated a t the base into a
stem, truncate at the apex, now and then crenate; cells large,
arranged in longitudinal series.
S i z e . Cells •004--005 x •002-'004mm.
Jessen, Mon. Pras. t. 1, f. 1-3. Lagerstedt. Pras. p. 40.
Ulva calophylla, Hass. Alg. 298, t. 77, f. 1. Eng, FI. v.,
312. Grev. Alg. Britt, p. 176. Eng. Bot. ed. ii., p. 112.
Harv. Man. 171. Johnst. FI. Berw. ii., 251. Mack. Hib. 243.
Bangia calophylla, Carm. in Grev. S. Crypt. FI. t. 220.
On damp stones, rocks, &o.
“ Forms a bright green thin stratnm. Frond minnte, three or four
lines long, linear strap-shaped, obtnse, tapering at the base, or suddenly
contracted into a cylindrical stipes, much waved and curled, very
variable in breadth. Granules quaternate, closely covering the frond ;
set in longitudinal rows, of which two or more (sometimes half a dozen)
form the breadth of the frond; iuterstioes colourless.”—Earpey.
Plate L. fig, 3. Plant magnified slightly. Fig. 4, lower portion of frond
X 400.
Suh-Family 2. Ulveai.
Thallus membranaceous, vesiculose, or tubulose.
G e n u s 55. ENTEROIVIOIIFHA. U n k . (1820.)
Thallus membranaceous, tubular or utriole-shaped, fixed at
the base (usually at the first, but afterwards often free
swimming) ; composed of one stratum of cells, sometimes
branched, but rarely much branched.
Propagation by zoogonidia, produced by repeated division of
the cytioplasm, rostrate at one extremity, and furnished with
two cilia.
E n te z om o zp h a in te s tin a lis. ( l in n .) Link. Eor. Bei'. (V820.)
Fronds simple, elongated, variable in form and size, usually
becoming more or less inflated, obtuse above, attenuated at the
base, pale green ; cells 8-5-6 angled.
S i z e . Cells •012-‘02 mm. diam.
Eng. FI. V., p. 314, Jenner, Tunb. Wells 190. Eng. Bot.,
ed. ii., t. 2408. Hass. Alg. 303, t. 77, f. 2. Grev. Alg. Britt.
179. Harv. Man. 173. Mack. FI. Hib. 242. Wyatt. Alg.
Exs., No. 80. Kabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 812.
Ulva marina tubulosa intestinorumjiguram. Eay. Syn,, 62.
Tremella marina tubulosa, etc. Dillen. Muse., t. 9, f. 7.
Ulva intestinalis. Huds. Angl. 568. Light. FI. Scot.
068. Eelh. Cant. 443. Purt. Midi. FI. ii., 617. Hook. FI.
Scot ii 91. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 249. Hull, Br. FI. 311.
Abbot Fl. Bedf. 273. With. Arr. iv., 125.
Scytosiphon intestinalis. Gray, Arr. i., 345.
Enteromorpha lacustris. Hass,
Fistularia intestinalis. Grev. Fl. Edin. 300. Fl. Devon,
ii., 57.
In ditches, chiefly in brackish water.
This exceedingly variable species has m a n y forms or varieties to which
names hUvo been given, one of which by rapture of the - P - , is fnnneB
ahaned fvar Gornucopix), others are more or less thread-like, and otheis
S e d ^ i r d búllate. \ o o t a minute scutate d-®. f
inches to one or more feet in length, and froni a line to three or fonr
inches, or more, in diameter; tubular, obtuse, tapering at base to little
more than the' diameter of hog’s bristle, gradually becoming “'flated
upwards and in old age often swelling out into a large membranous
b U wSkh is variously ousped and onrled. Sometimes the whole frond
I tZ v r e e so d and very much crisped ; substance thin and membranous
but not gelatinons, not closely adhering to paper in drying. Colour
varying from a transparent yellowish green to a dull grass green; m o
I Z Z i decay fading to a dirty white. Under the microscope a portion
of the frond exhibits the appearance of a transparent membrane covered
o T t r s e r s i t “ and ditches connected with
them, whether salt, ^l^-ckish.m fresh w I S “
c!m^rma,’’X o h is not found in fresh water, and has therefore no claim
f 2’"’’ sT aU fro n d s of Ent. intestinalis, natural size.
F i ? 3, tie v á íe iy Óornueopice, nat. size. Fig. 4, cells X 400. Fig. 5,
Genus 56. IttO NOSTROMA. Thur. (1854.)
Frond plane or saccate, simple or torn and lobate, composed
of one stratum of cells, cells somewhat rounded (sometimes
quaternate) immersed in a homogenous mcmhtaTie.— Thuret, Note
sur la synonymie des Ulva, (fc.
This genus was formerly included in Ulm from which it was
by Thuret. See also Monograph of Sloiiostroma, by Prof. V. Wittrock.
The majority o£ species are marine.
Ifflonostzoma la c e z a tum . Thur. Note sur Ulv.
Thallus membranaceous, at length free, thin and flaccid, pallid
green, of irregular form, rugose, margin plane and eroded, or
frisped (•04--05 mm. thick) ; cells rounded twin, ternate, 01
q u a lrn a te , disposed loosely m the
L n sv e rs e section of the thallus oval (•017--023 mm. high),
chlorophyllose body central, of the same form as the cell, of
which it occupies about one-half.— IFiiir. Afon. Monostt., p.
30, t. l , f . 2. ^ ^ ^
Plate L I., fig. 6. Portion of frond X 200. Fig. 7, section of frond
X 200 diam.
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