» »
' .
W ittr. Mon. OEdog., p. 13. Kirch. Alg. Schles, p, 52. Rabh.
Alg. Enr. iii., 349, in part.
Proliféra Vaucherii, Le Clerc sur. Prolif. 474, t. 24, f. 4 ?
Vesiculifera Vaucherii, Hassall, t 50, f. 4.
Flate L V i n . f g . 8. OEdogonium Vaucherii, with oogonia and
Spermogonia x 400.
OEdogonium uxbicum. WiUr. Mon. OEdog. p. 13.
Oogonia single, ellipsoid, opening by a pore above the
middle, oospores globose, not filling the oogonium, spermogonia
usually 2 celled, spermatozoids binate, supporting cells destitute
of chlorophyll.
S i z e . C e lls -016 mm. b y 2^, 6 times a s l o n g ; o o s p o r e
•033--045 X •038--045mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 52.
OEdogonium tumiduhim, Prings. Beitr., p. 69, t. 5, f. 2 (not
Kutzing). Micr. Jonrn. 1866, p. 69.
OEdogonium Vaucherii, in Eabh. Alg. E u r. iii., 849, in part.
Plate LIX. fig. 1. OEdogonium m'Ucum, with oogonium and gpermo-
gonia X 400.
J. Oospores ellipsoid or egg-shaped.
OEdogonium paludosum. (Hass.) WiUr. Mon. OEdog. p. 14.
Cogonia single, ellipsoid, usually ra th e r oblique, opening by
a pore above tbe middle ; oospores ellipsoid, distinctly filling
tbe oogonium (membrane of tbe oospore, when mature, longi-
tndinally costate ?) ; spermogonia 1-8 celled, scattered, usually
situate in the upper portion of the filament; spermatozoids
binate, often born with an obliqne division.
S i z e . Cells -015-'02 mm, by 3-7 times as lo n g ; oogonia
■089--048 x -OeB-'OSI mm. ; oospore -OSe-'OIb x •054--063
mm. ; sperm, cell -Oll-'OIG x '006-'018 mm.
Vesiculifera paludosa, Hass. P . W. Alg. p. 199, t. 52, f. 3 ?
Plate L IX . fig. 2. OEdogonium paludosum with oogonium and spermogonia
X 400.
B. Oogonia furnished with verticillate median processes,
a. Cospores subglobose.
OEdogonium I tz ig s o h n ii. D’Bary OEdog. p . 56, i. 3, /. 29-32.
Cogonia single, ellipsoid, median processes 7-10, obtusely
conical, oogonia splitting round below the middle, opening by a
pore in the fissure, viewed from above stellate, with 7-10 rays,
the depressions between tbe rays deep and rounded ; oospores
globose, not filling the oogonium ; spermogonia 1-2 celled,
terminal cell obtuse or apiculate.
S iz e . Cells -008--01 mm. by 3-6 times as long ; oogonia
•034--088 x •032--04mm. ; oospore •022--023 X •022--023 mm. ;
sperm, cell 'OOS-'OOG x -OOO-'Olb mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 16. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 53.
Archer, in Quart. Journ. Mior. Soi., 1866, p. 63, Rabh. Alg.
Eur. iii., 352.
Ireland, Scotland.
This minute species Mr. Archer had found several times, and often
showing its peculiarly-lobed oogonium, but be had never found the male
fruotifloation ; he believed the plant must turn out to be a dioecious
species ; he had sometimes noticed a minute notoh-like depression on
the upper outer margin of the oogonium, probably indicating the “ micro-
pyle.” He drew attention to the character, not adverted to by De Bary,
that the apical or terminal joint of the filament possessed a short acute
spine or muoro. This in old plants, frequently is not to be seen, as the
terminal joint, or, indeed, considerable portions of the filaments, often
become detached, and chiefly in a young condition only are the plants
found entire.—Quail. Journ. I. c.
Plate L IX . fig. S. (EdogotAum Itzigsohnii, with oogonia and oospores j
a, transverse section of oospore x 400.
b. Cospores subellipsoid.
OEdogonium e x c isum . Wittr. A Lund., in Wittr. OEdog. Nov. p. 3,
Í. 1,/. 1-4.
Cogonia single, biconically-oblong, median processes 9,
rounded, small, oogonia deeply out round (circumscissile),
vertical view orbicular, margin slightly undulated ; oospores
ellipsoid, as if constricted in the middle, not filling the
oogonium. Spermogonia 1-2 celled, subepigynous or hypogynous,
terminal cell obtuse, upper p a rt of the filament curved.
S iz e . Cells'0085-'005 min. by 5-6 times as long ; Cogonia
■013-'015 X -018--025 mm.; oospore -009--012 x -OIG-'OIS
mm. ; sperm cell -OOS-’OOGS X -006--007 mm.
Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 16. Archer, Quart. Journ. Mior,
Sci., 1875, XV., p. 102.
Ireland (rare).
Plate L IX . fig. 4. OEdogonium excisum, with oogonia ; a, section of
oospore x 400,
OEdogonium A ich e z ian um , Cooke.
Monoecious ; oospore elliptic, its wall marked by somewhat
coarse longitudinal striæ, not filling the cavity of th e much
t ;