Plate L X I I . fig, 4. OEdoyonium calcareum, with portions of male
and female plants ; a, female plant from Victoria tank, Kew Gardens
X 400.
OEdogonium cardiaoum [Hass). Wittr. Disp. OEdog. 135.
Oogonia single, between lieart-shaped and globose, opening
by a pore a little above the middle ; oospores globose, not filling
the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ;
spermogonia 2-10 celled ; spermatozoids binate, terminal cells
S iz e . Cells ; fem. -018--03 mm. 2-7 times as long; cells :
male -015--025 rom. 2-6 times as long; oogonia -05- 07 X
■058- 086 mm. ; oospore •042--06 X -042--06 mm. ; sperm, cell
•015--021 X -Ol-’OlS mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 33 ; Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 57.
Vesiculifera cardiaca, Hass. P. W. Algæ 203, t. 51, f. 4.
Vesiculiferapulchella, Hass. P . W. Algæ 199, t. 50, f. 3.
OEdogonium pulchellum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 356.
Plate L X I I . fig. 5. OEdogonium cardiaoum, oogonia with oospores
X 400.
OE d o g o n ium c a rb o n ic um . Wittr. 3Ion. OEdog. p. 74.
Oogonia single or twin, obversely egg-shaped—or ovate—
globose, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores ellipsoid-
globose or nearly globose, scarce filling the oogonia ; male plants
a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 2-5 celled ;
spermatozoids binate ; terminal cell obtuse.
S iz e . Cells: fem.'Olfi-'OS mm. 3-6 times as long ; cells:
male •014--016 mm. 3-6 times as lo n g ; oogonia •043-'052 X
•05--072 mm. ; oospore -042--05 X -046--056 mm. ; sperm, cell
•013--014X-012--014 mm.
Plate L X I I I . fig. 1. OEdogonium carbonicum with oospores. 1. a,
portion of male plant with spermogonia x 400.
OEdogonium F r in g sh e im ii. Cramer. Hedm, in . 17 t, 1 c,f. 1-4.
Oogonia single or 2-6 continuous, somewhat egg-shaped
globose, opening by an operculum, with a very narrow and
scarcely distinct fissure ; oospores globose, not distinctly filling
the oogonia ; male plants a little slenderer than the female ;
spermogonia 2-10 celled, alternate with the vegetative cells in
the upper part of the filament ; terminal cell obtuse or rarely
shortly apiculate.
S iz e . Cells : fem. -012-'02 mm. 2-4 times as long ; cells :
m a l e 'O l l- ’OIG mm. 2-4 times as long; oogonia •03-'043 x
■036--045 mm. ; oospore -O^S-'OSS X •028-034 mm. ; sperm,
cell -01--015 X -006--009 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 57 ; Rabh. Alg. iii. 348. Rabh. Alg.
Eur. No. 790; W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 33, t. 1, fig. 16-17.
OEdogonium Nordstedtii, W ittr. OEdog. Nov. 6, t. 1, f. 7-8.
Plate L X I I I . fig. 2. OEdogonium Fringsheimii, with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium p u n c ta to -s tiia tum . De Bary . t. 2 ,f. 15-lG.
Oogonia single, depressedly globose, manifestly splitting
round (circumscissile) in the middle, opening by a pore in the
fissure ; oospore depressedly globose, nearly filling the oogonia ;
male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 3-7
celled; spermatozoids single; membraue of the vegetative cells
and of the oogonia spirally punctate ; basal cell depressedly globose
; membrane vertically plicate.
S i z e . Cells: fem. -018--022 mm. 2-6 times as long; cells :
male -016--019 mm. 2-6 times as lo n g ; oogonia -048-’055 X
•038--048 mm. ; oospore •044-’051 X •085--043 mm. ; sperm.
cell-016-’018x-006--01 mm.
Barker. P., in Quart. Jour. Mior. Sci. 1871, p. 9 4 ; Rabli.
Alg. iii. 354. Rabh. Alg. Sachs. 214. Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p.
34. Rabh. Alg. E u r. No. 2276. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 57.
Distingnished by the cell wall being marked by spiral striæ of a dotted
character, finely and closely set ; these seen in an empty cell, through
and through, the upper and lower striæ being nearly in foous simultaneously
produce a somewhat decussate appearance,
Plate LXIII . fig. 3. OEdogonium punctato-striatum, with oogonium
X 400.
bh. Oospores ellipsoid or egg-shaped.
OEdogonium B o s c ii {Le Clerc). WiUr. Usp. OEdog. Suec.p. 136.
Oogonia single, rarely twin, oblong -ellipsoid, opening by a
pore above the middle ; oospores ellipsoid, by no means filling
the oogonia, longitudinally oostate ; male plants the same or
nearly the thickness of the female ; spermogonia 3-6 celled ;
spermatozoids binate; terminal cell slender and somewhat
S i z e . Cells -014--02 mm. 4-6 times as long; oogonia
.0 4 -'0 4 5 x -0 8 --lm m . ; oospore •086-’04 X-06-’065 mm. ; sperm,
cell •013--014X-006--009 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 34. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 357; Rabh,
Alg. Eur. No. 2198, 2369.
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