Kutz. Tab. Phy. iii., t. 33, f. 6. W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 38.
plate LXIV. fig. 4. OEdogonium longatum, parasitic upon another
species, with oogonia x 400.
OE d o g o n ium v e s ic a tum . {Lyngb) Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p . 33.
Oogonia single, ellipsoid, globose, opening by an operculum,
with a narrow fissure ; oospores ellipsoid-globose, almost filling
the oogonium.
S iz e . Cells -017--21 mm. times as long ; oogonia
•043--045 X -051--06 mm. ; oospore -037--038 X •041--042
irch. Alg. Schles. p. 59.
Conferva vesicata Lyngb. Hydro. 144, t. 47, f. D 1. Eng.
Bot. t. 2476.
Plate L X V . fig. 5. OEdoyonium vesioatum, with oogonium x 400.
OE d o g o n ium g ra n d e . Kutz. Tab. Phy. m , t. 3 7 ,/. 1.
Oogonia oval-elliptic, nearly twice as long as broad ; oospores
oval-elliptic, entirely filling the oogonia ; basal cell contracted
towards the base, then dilated and discoid ; terminal cell
S iz e . Cells -025--035 mm. 3-4 or 6 times as long ; oogonia
•1 x '0 7 m m . ; oospore'09 x -065 mm.
DeBary OEdog. t. 2, f. 1-14. Eabh. Alg. E u r.’iii., 353.
Plate LXV I. tig. 4. OEdogonium grande, with oogonium x 400,
OE d o g o n ium g ig a n te um . Kutz. Phyc. Germ.p.%30.
Oogonia single, a little swollen, cylindrically egg-shaped,
opening with a pore above the middle ; oospores cylindrically
ellipsoid, nearly filling the oogonia (sometimes flask-shaped,
short necked, and then filling the oogonia), epispore delicately
scrobiculate, supporting cells rather swollen.
S iz e . Cells •03--024 mm. 2-4^ times as long ; supporting
cells -054--06 mm. ti™es as long ; oogonia -057-'069 x
•078-‘106 mm. ; oospore •054-‘065 x '075-T03 mm.
Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii, t. 37, f. 2. W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 42.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 59.
Vesiculifera lacustris Hass. P. W. Algæ 198, t. 52, f. 1.
OEdogonium lacustre Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 356.
Plate LXV. jig. 3. OEdogonium giganteum, with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium crassum. {Rass.) Wittr. Gotl. Sotv. Alg. p. 20, t. 1.
f. 4-6.
Oogonia single (rarely twin), obversely egg-shaped ellipsoid,
a little swollen, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores
ellipsoid, not filling the oogonia.
S iz e .—Cells -OSS-'Oôô mm. 2-5 times as long ; oogonia
•065--07 x •1--125 mm. ; oospore -Ofi-’OeG x -OS-'l-lmm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 43. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 59.
Vesiculifera crassa Hass. Alg. t. 51, f. 1.
Plate LXVI. fig. 2. OEdogonium crassum, with oogonium x 400.
OEdogonium su b se ta o eum . Kutz. Spec. p. 368,
Basal cell dilated and discoid at the base, rather lobed,
terminal joint obtuse ; oospores broadly oval, golden red, closely
involved in the oogonium.
S iz e . Cells •04-'052 mm. equal or twice as long ; oogonia
•065 x '055 mm. ; oospore •Oô x •OS mm.
Kntz. Tab. iii, t. 41, f. 1. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii, 352.
Deeside (Scotland).
Plate LXVI. fig. 5. OEdogonium subsetaoeum, with oogonium x 400.
G e n u s 65. BÜLEOCHOETE. Ag. (1817.)
Filaments articulated, branched, joints thickened upwards, at
or about the apex bearing setæ, which are straight, hyaline,
colourless, more or less elongated, bulbous at the base, cell
membrane usually punctate ; oogonia opening by a lateral pore
above the middle ; mature oospore red ; monoecious or
Eeproduction sexual as in OEdogonium. In the dioecious
species nannandrous (dwarf males).
The following arrangement of the British species is based on that of
Prof. Wittrock ;—
Sect. 1. Oogonia globose or subglobose, patent ; oospores with the same
form, and filling the oogonia. Dioeoious.
A. Dwarf males unicellular.
B. Dwarf males bicellular.
a. Basal cell of the stem of the male plants shorter than the
B. intermedia, DBary,
B. polyandra, Qleve.
B. Brebissonii, Kutz.
B. setigera, Ag,
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