Genus 78. OLPIDIUOT. Braun. (ISoe.)
Cells globose or subglobose, parasitic, epiphytal, or endo-
phytal, not operoulate, nor rooting ; mouth vertical, elongated
into a cylindrical tube.
O lp id ium e n d o g e n um . Braun Clajtrid. No. 20, t. v., f . 21.
Parasitic in the interior of plants, usually gregarious, depressedly
globose, extended at the apex into a tabular neck,
which is globosely dilated in the middle ; perforating the membrane
of its host, is extended beyond with a funnel-shaped
S iz e . Cells about -024 mm. diam.
Olpidium intestinum (Braun), Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 283.
Parasitic in Closterium, Vaucheria, &c.
This appears to be the species figured by Henfrey as occurring within
the cells of Eremosphaera viridis in “ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.” vii. (18.59),
t. 3, figs. 11, 12. Also by Garter in Spirogyra, iu “ Annals of Natural
History,” 2nd Series, Vol. xvii. (1856), t. 9, figs. 9 and 10.
Plate LXXXI. fig . 2.
■ X 400.
Olpidium endogenum parasitic in Closterium
Olpidium am pu lla c eum . {Braun.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 282.
Epiphytal, gregarious, globose, small, sessile, rarely pedicel- ,
late, tubular, mouth erect, cylindrical, about as long as the cell,
terminating in a conical apiculus.
S iz e . Cells '0065 mm. diam.
Chytridium ampullaceum, Braun Chytrid., p. 66, t. 5, f. 24-27.
Parasitic on various alg».
It was probably this, or a closely-allied speoies, which was figured by
Henfrey as parasitic on Eremosphcera viridis in ‘‘ Quart. Journ. Mior.
Sci.” vii. (1859), t. 3, f. 13, 14.
Plate LXXXI. fig . 3. Olpidium ampullaoeum parasitic on Mougeotia
X 400 ; 8a, individual further magnified. Fig. 4, allied species X 400.
Genus 79. SYNCHITRITJM. D .B y .^W o r . (1863.)
Thallus multiform. Cells (sporangia of some authors) often
numerous and aggregated, closely involved in a common membrane,
forming sori, filled with delicately granular orange contents.
Zoogonidia globose, rarely oval or oblong, with a lateral
orange-red nucleus, bearing a single (rarely 2) very long cilium.
Inhabiting the substance of plants, with the habit of Ure-
dines, but without mycelium.
S y n c h itiium T a r a x a c i. D. By. ^ War. Bericht, der Naturf. Ges.
m ., t. 2, f. 1-7.
Orange warts, about -5 mm. diam., prominent on both surfaces
of the leaf, scattered or crowded. During summer each
wart contains a mass of crowded cells, polygonal or rounded,
variable in form and size, filled with granular orange protoplasm,
which break up into globose, ciliated zoogonidia. ^
S iz e . Zoogonidia '003 mm. ; cellules •02-’06 mm. diam.
Parasitic beneath the cuticle of living leaves of dandelion
( Taraxacum officinale).
Professor Trail adds to the above description that “ in the autumn
thicker-walled resting spores are formed singly in the cells of the food
Plate LXXXI. fig . 5. Sorus of Synohitrium^ T araxad X 200. Figs 6,
7, cells with contents converted into zoogonidia, X 400. Fig. 8, free
zoogonidia, X 400 ; after Woronin.
S y n ch itz ium an em one s. Woron. Bot. Zeit. XXVI., p . 100, i. 2,
/ . 8-10.
Forming dark violet, or almost black, hemispherical warts,
the size of a pin’s head, which are gregarious, and sometimes
confluent. In the centre of each is a sphærical cellule, the wall
of which is dark brown and warted.
Dothidea anemones, DO. F). F r . vi., 143.
Sphceronema anemones, Libert. Orypt. Ard., No. 167.
Septoria anemones, Fuckel Fung. Khen., No. o l8 .
Chytridium ? anemones, D.By. & Wor. Beitr. p. 29.
Parasitic on the leaves of Anemone nemorosa.
Plate L X X X I I fig. 7. Portion of leaf with Synchitrium nat. size.
Fig. 8, persistent skre-cell in situ X 200. Pig. 9, persistent spore-cell
free x ’320 ; after Woronin.
S y n c h itr ium m c r c n r ia lis . Fckl. Fungi Bhen., No. 1067.
Tubercles confluent on the nerves of the leaves, hemispherical,
greenish, depressed above ; nmbilicated; sori oblong, giey,
zoogonidia globose, uninucleate, hyaline.
S iz e . Sporangia eohinulate '0 3 -'0 4 mm.
Sobroet. in Cohn’s Beitr. p. 40. Grevillea ii., p. 162.
Parasitic on leaves of Mercurialis perennis. April.
Plate L X X X II. fig. 1. Section of wart with persistent spore-cell.
F i i 2 nersistent cell. Fig. 3, same with contents polygonally divided.
F i|; Î: eBcaping X 160. Fig. 6, sporangia X 320. Fig. 6, free
zoospores X 320 ; after Woronin.
' I