S iz e . Cells '004 mm. diam. to ‘01 mm. long ; families ‘05 mm.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 56. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 255.
In ditches.
Plate ZXXXYII. fig. 2. Families magnified 400 diam.; a, J, c, d,
cells in various stages of subdivision, further magnified—after Eeinsch.
Genus 88. M E R ISM O F E D IA . Megen. (1839.)
Cells globose, at the time of division oblong, ra th e r thick,
teguments confluent, 4-8-16-32-64-128 associated in tabular
families of a single stratum, forming a quadrate, plane, free-
swimming thallus.
Goebel has observed the formation of zoospores in this genus. See
“ Botanisohe Zeitung,” 1880, p. 490.
Merismopedia v io la c e a . KuU. Spec. 472.
Thallus mucous, colourless, or nearly so, indefinite, families
small, composed of 4-32 remote very minnte cells ; cell-contents
homogenous, violet.
S iz e . Cells 'OOl- OOlS mm.; families ’015 mm.
Rabh. Alg. Enr. ii., 57. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. 254.
In ponds, ditches, &c., amongst other Algse.
Plate LXXXVII. fig. 3. Families magnified 400 diam.
n ierism op ed ia g lau ca . Nag. Einz. Alg. t. 1, D. 1.
Thallus more or less limited, glaucous green, margin slightly
sinuately crenate ; families composed of 16-48-64 (rarely more)
oval or globose cells ; cell-contents pale blue-green.
S iz e . Cells -OOS-'OOS mm.; families -04--05 mm.
Rahh. Alg. Eur. ii., 56. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. 253.
Gonium glaucum, Ehrb. Infus. 56, t. 3, f. 5.
In stagnant water.
Plate L X X X V I I . fig. 4. Families magnified 400 diam.
Blez ismopedia p u n c ta ta . Meyen in Wirgm. Arch. 1839, p. 67.
Thallns less limited, almost colourless, for the most part composed
of 4-64 remote c ells; cell-contents pale blue-green.
S iz e . Cells '033 mm. ; families '06 mm.
Kutz. Tab. i., t. 38, f. 8. Rabh. Alg. Enr. ii., 57. Kirch.
Alg. Schles. 254.
In stagnant water.
Plate L X X X V II. fig. 5. Families magnified 400 diam.
Meifisnicpedia v e n t z ic u li. IloUn Veg. Par. t. 1 ,/. 8.
Thallus muoous-membranaoeous, firm, whitish or yellowish ;
families composed of numerous cells (8 -4 0 9 6 ); cell-oontents
pale bluish.
S iz e . Cells ’008 mm. diam. ; families '03-'05 X •016-'02 mm.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 58. Kuohenm. Par. p. 18, t. 1.
Merismopoedia Goodsiri, Husem. de Anim. p. 13.
Sarcina ventriculi, Goodsir in Edin. Med. and Surg. Journ.
1842, p. 430, t. 57. Weloker in Quart. Journ. Micr. Soi. viii.,
p. 163.
In the human stomach, &o.
Doubtfully included here. Recently authors have classed it with
Schizomycetes in preference to Algæ.
Plate LXXXVII. fig. 6. a, cells magnified 400 , I, cells very
highly magnified. After Robin.
M e iism cp ed ia z en is . (Hepw.) Babh. Alg. Eur. ii., 53.
Families composed of from 8 to 64 cells.
S iz e . No dimensions given.
Sarcina renis, Hepworth in Mior. Journ. v. 1857, p. 1,
with woodcut.
In the human kidneys.
This very obscure organism, like the last, is included here with considerable
doubt. I t may be said that nothing more is known of it than
the meagre diagnosis above given. Sarcina ossium, Stephens, Ann. Nat.
Hist. ser. 2, vol. xx., p. 514, is equally unoertain.
Plate LX X X V II. fig . 7.
Cells very considerably but indefinitely mag-
nified. After Hepworth.
Genus 89. T E T R A P E D IA . Reinsch. (1867.)
Cells compressed, quadrangular or triangular, equilateral,
becoming subdivided into quadrate or cuneate segments, or
rounded lobes, either by deep vertical or oblique incisions, or
by wide angular or rounded sinuses.
“ Amongst unicellular Algm falling under the class CUorophyllaeece,
forms with specially figured cells—that is, otherwise than globular, ellipsoidal,
or cylindrical, with more or less abruptly or broadly rounded ends
—are, as is well known, numerous ; but amongst such plants belonging
to the class Phycochromaceæ, so frequently found in the same situations
associated with the foregoing, so far as I am aware, not until recently has
attention been drawn to any examples of a specially figured outline.
“ I t does not appear, until the genus Tetrapedia wasfounded by Professor
Reinsch for two new and singular exceedingly minute chroococcaceous
forms, that examples of specially figured forms were kuowu in this family
of Algæ.
2 H