Vesiculifera Boscii, Hassall Algæ t. 52, f. 8, 4, 5.
Proliféra Boscii, Le Clero Prolif. 474, t. 23, f. 5.
Vesiculifera elegans, Hass. Ann. Nat. Hist.
Plate Lxni. fig. 4. OEdogonium Boscii, with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium tum id u lum . Kutz. Dec. Alg. No. 60.
Oogonia single, ellipsoid egg-shaped, opening by a pore above
the middle, almost filling the oogonium ; male plants a little
slenderer than the female ; spermogonia 6-45 celled ; spermatozoids
SiZB. Cells: fem. •018--025 mm. 3 |-5 times as lo n g ;
cells : male -015-'018 mm. 4 times as long ; oogonia -OSe-'OSS
X ■078--09 mm.; oospore •049--054 x -061-’068 mm.; sperm,
cell •015--017 X -009--012 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 35. Kirch. Alg, Schles. p. 58 (not
of Pringsheim).
Plate L X I I I. fig. 5. OEdogonium tumidulum with oogonium. 6 a,
portion of male plant with spermogonia x 400.
OEdogonium Iia.nds1>oioughii (Hass). Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p . 35.
Oogonia single, rarely twin, obversely egg-shaped, opening
by a pore above the middle; oospores obversely egg-shaped,
filling the oogonia (or rarely ellipsoid and not filling the
oogonia); male plants a little slenderer than the female ; spermogonia
5-25 celled; spermatozoids binate, with a vertical
division ; terminal cell obtuse.
S iz e . Cells : fem. '033--036 mm. 4-6 times as long : cells :
male •081-‘088 mm. 4-6 times as lo n g ; oogonia ’OeS-'OIb x
•1--12 mm. ; oospore -057--07 x ‘O lb - l mm. ; sperm, cell
•027--03X-009--012 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58.
OEdogonium rivulare, Rabh. Alg. iii. p. 350, in part,
Vesiculifera Landsboroughii, Hassall, F. W. Algæ t. 51, f. 2.
OEdogonium gemelliparum, Hantsoh, Rab. Alg. Eur. 1118.
OEdogonium gemelliparum v. major, Wittr. Disp, OEdog. p.
Plate LX17. fig. 1. OEdogonium Landsloroughii, with oogonia and
oospores x 400.
var fi. g em ê llip a rum (Prings). Wittr. Man. OEdog. p. 36.
Smaller th an the typical form. Oogonia egg-shaped ; oospores
filling the oogonia ; terminal cell very long, somewhat hyaline.
S iz e . Cells : fem. -02--027 mm. 3-5 or 8 times as long ;
oogonia -055--057 X '075--08 mm.; ^oospore -049-'051 X
•065-’069 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 58. Archer in Quart. Journ. Mior.
Sci. 1866, p. 69.
OEdogonium gemelliparum, Pringsh. Beitr. p. 71.
Plate LXIV . fig. 2. OEdogonium Landsboroughii, variety gemelliparum,
with oogonium x 400.
OE d o g o n ium r iv u la r e (Le Olerc). Braun, Chytr. p . 23, t. 1 ,/. 1-10.
Oogonia single, or 2-7 continuous, obversely egg-shaped,
opening by a pore above tbe middle; oospores obversely egg-
s laped, rarely ellipsoid or nearly globose, not by a long way
filling the oogonia; male plants a little slenderer than the
female ; spermogonia 3-9 celled ; spermatozoids binate.
S iz e . Cells : fem. -045--045 mm. 3-8 times as long; cells :
male •Ü3--036 mm. 4 times as long ; oogonia -07--085 X -13--16
mm. ; oospore -055--07 X '0 6 5 /1 mm. ; sperm, cell •021--028 x
•014--016 mm.
Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 36. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 58.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 350 in part.
Proliféra rivularis. Le Clerc Prolif. 472, t. 23, f. 1.
Plate L X IV fig. 3. OEdogonium rivulare, with oogonium and oospore
X 400.
Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly
a. Oospores globose or sub-globose.
OE d o g o u ium d e lic a tu lum . Kutz. Tab. ill., t. 33, /. 3.
Pallid, basal cell scarcely lobed at the base, affixed, cells
cylindrical; oogonia subglobose, inflated, a little extended at
either pole ; oospore perfectly globose.
S iz e . Cells -OOS-'OOb mm., 3 times aslong ; oogonia '02 x
•017 mm. ; oospores -012--014 mm.
Rabh. Alg. E u r. 355. Rabh. Alg. E x . No. 1156.
Deeside (Scotland).
Plate L X V I . fig . 7. OEdogonium delicatubum, WAh oogorda x 400.
OE d o g o n ium t e n e l lu m . Kviz. Tab. in ., t. 33,/. 9.
Basal cell two to three lobed, at first fixed, terminal joint
obtuse, cells cylindrical or rather clavate ; oogonia very much
inflated; oospore globose, bright orange.