ii t
¡1' fi '
Siz e . Cells •01.5-'023 mm., 2L to 4 times as long; oogonia
•043--05 X 'OSS-'OTS mm. ; oospore -04--046 x -047--057 mm •
androsp. cell -018--02 x-016--02 mm.; sperm, cell -008--01 x ’
•Ol-’O ll mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 27. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 56.
Rabh. Alg. Enr. iii., 347.
Vesiculifera ciliata, Hass. P. W. Algæ 202, t. 52, f. 2.
OEdogonium piliferum, Auers. Rab. Alg . Sachs. No. 474.
Britain, Ireland.
Elate L X I . fig . 3. OEdogonium ciliatum, with oogonia and dwarf
males ; a, androsporangia ; h, small plant (after Pringsheim) : c, andrò-
spore X 400.
b. Membrane of oospore eohinulate. Oospores globose.
OE d o g o n ium C le v e a n um . Wittr. Disp. OEdog. p. 129.
Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single, snbglobose, opening by a
pore below the middle ; oospores almost filling the oogonium,
globose, spinulose, spines conical spirally disposed; androsporangia
4-6 celled, dwarf males a little curved, seated on the
supporting cell ; spermogonia unicellular.
; oogonia
U02--Ü6 X -059--063 mm.; oospores -049--057 x -051-’059
mm.; spines •004 mm. long; androsp. cell •018--022- x 009-
•018 mm.; sperm, cell -008--0085 x -014--016 mm.
W ittr. Mon, OEdog. p. 28. Kirch Alg. Schles. p. 56.
OEdogonium ecliinospermum, Pringsh. Beitr. 70, t. 5 f 7
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 349, in part. ’
Plate L X I I . fig, 1 . OEdogonium Cleveanum with oogonia, and
ecQinuJafce oospores ; a, androsporangia x 400.
OE d o g o n ium eo h in o sp e zm um . Br. in Kutz. Sp. Alg. 366.
Gynandrosporous, or idiandrosporons. Oogonia single
ellipsoid-globose, or nearly globose, opening by a pore at thé
middle ; oospore almost filling the oogonia, globose, eohinulate •
spines awl-shaped ; androsporangia 2-5 celled, dwarf males L
u n i c e l lX r '^ ’ on the supporting cells; spermogonia
times as long ; oogonia
04--05 X -042--057 mm. ; oospore -038-’047 x -038--049 mm. •
spmes -003 mm. long; androsp. cell -021--025 x -OOg-’OlS
mm. ; sperm, cell -01--012 x ’012--015 mm.
Archer in Quart. Journ. Mior. Soi. 1866, p. 69 1867 nn
80. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 36, f. 2. DBéry OEdog t 3 f
p l i^ ’ A / ‘p Rabh. Alg. Eu’■r . iii., 349. P- Schles. pt",’ 5“6"•.
Ireland, Scotland.
Of these two speoies with eohinulate oospores, the spines of the
former are broader at the base and oouical, whilst iu this they are slender,
and but slightly thickened downwarcis.
Elate L X II. jig. 2.
OEdogonium echinospermum, with oogonia and
eohitmlate oospores x 400.
Sdb-seotion I I . Dioecious, with elongated male plants.
Oogonia, not, or scarcely, swollen.
OEdogonium cap illa r e . (Un.) Kutz. Phyc. Gen. 225, t. 12,
/ . 1 -10 .
Oogonia single, not swollen, cylindrical, opening by a pore
above the middle; oospores globose or cylindrical-globose
(somewhat quadrangular iu longitudinal section) not filling the
oogonia ; male plants the same or almost the thickness of the
female plants ; spermogonia 1-4 celled, alternate with the
vegetative cells : spermatozoids binate.
Siz e . Cells •035-'055 mm., equal or twice as long; oogonia
times as long ; oospore •03--052 x ’039--063 mm. ; sperm,
cell -03--048 X -005--006 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 56. Rabh. Alg. Eur. No. 1180, 1417.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 30.
Conferva capillaris, Linn. Spec. PI. 1636.
OEdogonium regulare, Vaup. Beitr. OEdog. p. 213, t. 1, f.
1-10, not the Vesiculifera capillaris of Hassall.
Plate L X I I . fig . 3. OEdogonium capillare, with oogonia x 400.
b. Oospores manifestly swollen,
aa. Oospores globose, or nearly so.
OEdogonium calcareum. Cleve in Wittr. Disp. OEdog. p. 135.
Oogonia single (very rarely twin), depressedly globose,
opening by a pore at the middle ; oospores filling the oogonia,
male plants the same, or almost the same, thickness as the
female; spermogonia 2-5 celled ; spermatozoids single (?).
Siz e . Cells •011--014 ram., 2-4 times as long; oogonia
•027--03 X -021--023 mm. ; oospores -026-’028 x -02--021
mm. ; sperm, cell ’Ol-’O ll X -009--012 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 82.
Vesiculifera compressa, Hass. P. W. Algæ, 204, t. 53, f. 4.
OEdogonium compressum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 348.
Specimens from the warm tank in the Victoria House, Kew Gardens,
had shorter cells than usual. I t has apparently a tendency to beoome
more or less coated with a deposit of lime.
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