l i J i i
■ Ui
j 1!
in reality a Lynghya, allied to L. wstuarii, and not a true Oscillaria.
We are indebted to Professor Percival Wright for an examination of
authentic specimens of this, and several other of Harvey’s species,
Plate X O V lll. Jig. 4. Portion of trichome X 400.
Douhiful Species,
Osc illa z ia D ic k ie i (Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 113.
Stratum pale cliesnut-brown, gelatinous, shining ; triobomes
of medium size, long, straight, fragile, with visible spaces
between the joints.
S iz e . Not determined.
Oscillatoria Dickiei, Hass. Alg. 2.58, t, 72, f. 13.
Pools of fresh water near the sea.
The colour of this species is so peculiar as at onoe to distingnish it
from all others which have been described. This colour is preserved in
drying; the filaments are of nearly the same diameter with those of
0. tenuis, but they preserve their calibre when dried.—Hassall.
O sc illazia thezmalis'.' (Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 113,
Trichomes straight, rigid, fragile, green ; divisions of the
joints distinot, ra th e r remote.
S iz e . Not determined.
Oscillatoria thermalis, Hass. Alg. 250, t. 72, f. 3.
In warm water.
The figures and descriptions in Hassall’s work are wholly insufficient
for the proper identification of this and the following species.
Osc illazia v iz e s c e n s (Hass.) Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii,, 113.
Stratum pale blue-green ; trichomes of medium size, pale
yellowish-green, with the joints rather distant, nearly equal in
length to their diameter.
S i z e . Not determined.
Oscillatoria virescens, Hass. Alg. 250, t. 71, f. 9.
On the ground.
Genus 102. MICROCOLEUS. Hesm. (1823.)
Trichomes rigid, articulate, crowded together in bundles,
enclosed in a common mucous sheath, either closed or open at
the apex ; sheath ample, colourless, more or less lamellose,
rarely indistinct. = Ohthonoblastus, Kxitz. (1843.)
" Trichomes enclosed in a transparent sheath from which they emerge to
reproduce new filaments, sheath containing several trichomes. Filaments
growing in scattered creeping erect or floating wick-like bundles.”—
Hydroeoleum thermale Kutz., mentioned in Quart. Journ. Mior. Sci.
(1867) p. 86, as having occurred in Ireland, we have never seen, and,
therefore, do not know whether it should be included in Microcoleus.
M ic zo co leu s g z a c ilis. Hass. Alg. 261, t. 70, /. 2.
Effused broadly in a thin dark green stratum. Trichomes
pale blue green, slightly curved, in fascicles densely contorted
about the apex, joints 2-3 times longer than /h e ir diameter,
either continuous or distinctly separated, granulated, divisions
paler, nearly hyaline, a little contracted about the apex, extreme
apiculus conical, now and then slightly curved, special sheath
narrow, very delicate, universal sheath very thick lamellose.
S iz e . Trichomes ■0025-‘003 m m .; fascicles ■09-’12 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schl. 244.
Microcoleus marinus, Harv. Man. 168.
Ohthonoblastus salinus, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 58, f. 2. Eabh.
Alg. Eur. i., 133.
Oscillatoria clithonoplastes, var. a. Eng. El. v., 873. Eng.
Bot. ii., t. 2528. Mack. Hib. 239.
On salt marshes,
“ Fronds fixed at the base, floating freely in the water, an inch long,
tufted, dichotomously branched, branches slender capillary widening upwards,
with club-shaped tips ; colour olivaceous green or yellowish.
When ruptured the branches discharge innumerable needle-shaped filaments,
which, when the plant is growing, radiate and oscillate from the
tips of the branches.”—Harvey.
Plate XCIX. fig. 1. End of fascicle of trichomes with sheath x 400.
M ic zo co leu s ch th on op la ste s. Thur. in A nn. Sci. Nat. (1875)
p. 377.
Stratum thin, or thicker and ra th e r compact, dingy seru-
ginous green ; trichomes slightly flexuous, equal, twisted, in
dense fascicles, joints nearly twice as long as th eir diameter,
rather remote from each other, leaving a hyaline space between
them, apiculus attenuated, ra th e r elongated; special sheath
very delicate, universal sheath narrow, scarcely lamellose.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOSo-'OOI mm. ; fascicles -03--035 mm.
Ohthonoblastus Lyngbyei, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. i., t. 58, f. 1 .
Microcoleus anguiformis, Hass. Alg. 261, t. 70, f. 1. Kiroh.
Alg. Sohl. 244.
Ohthonoblastus anguiformis, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. i., t. 57. Eabb.
Alg. Eur. ii., 133. Harv. Phyc. Britt, t. 249.
On the naked ground, by roadsides, &o.
Plate G. fig. 1. Fascicle of trichomes with sheath X 400.