Oscillatoria aiituinnalis (gai'Cif), Eng. Fl. v., o76. Fng. Bot.
ii., 187. Jenn. Tunb. Wells 188. Grev. Fl. Edin. 305.
Harv. Man. 165, Mack. Hib., 239.
Conferva decorticans, Dillw. Conf. t. 26.
Oscillatoria decorticans, Grev. Fl. Edin. 304. Eng. FL v.,
375. Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Jenner Tunb. Wells 188. Harv.
Man. 164. Mack. Hib. 289. Hass. Alg. 257, t. 71, f. 10.
Hvmida decorticans, Graj'. Arr. 1., 282.
On moist naked ground after rain.
Plate CII. fig. 5. Portion of trichomes X 400 ; fig. 6, variety
■myochroum x 400.
L y n g b y a p a p y r in a . Kirch. Alg. Schl. 241.
Forming a thin papery stratum, sometimes shortly radiating,
with a pallid or brownish fibrillose substratum, formed from
the interlaced empty sheaths, trichomes equal, joints nearly
equal or a little shorter than their diameter, granulated at their
junction, apex obtuse, straight, naked.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOo-'OOG mm., with sheath •0075--009.
Oscillaria papyrina, Bory. Diet. Sci. Nat.
Phoi'midiuni papyrinum, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. i., t. 41, fig. 3.
Phormidium papyraceum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 125.
Oscillatoria spadicea, Carm. Hass. Alg. 255, t. 71, f. 5, t.
72, f. 5. Eng. Fl. v., 378. Harv. Man., 167.
In streams, torrents, aqueducts, canals, &c.
The form met with hy Carmichaei was growing on damp mossy earth.
He says “ It occurs in a very thin dark green stratum spreading to the
extent of several feet, and is hardiy to be distinguished from the mossy
earth on which it grows.”
Flate CH. iig. 7. Portions of trichomes X 400.
L y n g b y a z u p e s tz is . (Ag.)
Stratnm compact, rather velvety, gelatinons, lamellose, very
shortly radiating, b right blue green or becoming dark steel blue,
the lower strata becoming discoloured and fibrillose ; trichomes
rigid, rather flexuous, a little torulose towards the apex, joints
equal in length and breadth, very finely punctate, dissepiments
granulated, extreme apex paler, sometimes bearded.
Siz e . Triobomes •007-'008 mm. diam.
Phormidium rupestre, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 49, fig.. 4. Rabh.
Alg. Eur. ii., 122.
Oscillaria rupestris, A g . Syst. p. 63. Hass. Alg. 254., t.
72, f. 11. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 246. Eng. Fl. v., 877,
Harv. Man. 166.
On moist rooks where the water is constantly trickling, and in
mountain streams.
Carmichael writes of hia apecimeng, “ Stratum extensive, slimy, remarkably
tough and elastic, black on the surface, ash-coloured underneath,
when dry blackish green. Pilamenta pale green, straight, or
variously curved, radiating, but not equally in all directions.”
Plate Cl. jig, 2. Portions of trichomes X 400.
L y n g b y a c o x ium . {Ag)
Stratum toughly membranaceous, compact, brown, steel blue
or greenish, interwoven forming a muoilaginous membranaceous
substratum ; trichomes straight or flexuous, ra ther rigid,
olive or brown, then yellowish, joints not more than half aslong
as broad, beautifully transversely punctate, granulated, apex
conically attenuated, bearded.
S iz e . Trichomes -007--008 mm. diam.
Phormidium corium, Ag. Syst. p. 64. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii.,
Oscillatoria corium, Hass. Alg. 252. Eng. Fl. v., 877.
Harv. Man. 166. ~ Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Grev.- Fl.-
Edin. 303.
Mack. Hib. 240.
On the rocky bottom of alpine rivulets.
“ Stratum thick, tough, dull brownish, occasionally streaked with pale
green, which in some varieties is the prevailing colour, slightly glossy
when dry ; filaments slender. In some situations it radiates in fascicles
from its whole upper surface; in others it is found almost denuded
of radii, and forming a compact leathery stratum.”—Ran e y .
Plate c n . jig. 2. Portions of trichomes X 400.
L y n g b y a tu x fo sa . {Oarm)
Forming a thick intensely green stratum, with a tough, slimy,
ochre-coloured substratum. Trichomes slender, more or less
curved, and mostly hyaline at the p o in t; joints not more than
half as long as broad, distinct.
Siz e . Trichomes '008 mm. diam.
Oscillatoria turfosa, Carm. in Harv. Man. 164. Hass. Alg.
253, t. 72, f. 6.
On floating sods in old tu rf pits.
“ This species grows in a thick, intensely green layer, oyer a tough,
slimy, ochre-coloured substratum. It entirely enveloped the sods, some
of which were a foot and a-half in diameter. Filaments very slender,
more or less curved, and mostly hyaline at the point.’’—Carm.
Plate CH. jig. 3.
Portions of trichomes X 400, from the original