Y .
S U P P L E M E N T .
To follow at page 4 —
P leu io c o c cu s 'bituminosus. (Bory. Diet, ill., 15.)
Thallus mucous, brown-black, or pitch-colour, cells small,
rounded angular, greenish brown, 4-8 associated in families,
tegument scarcely broad, colourless, hyaline, indistinctly lamellose.
S iz e . Cells -002 mm. ; families 0T--02 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. i., 28.
Chaos bituminosus, Bory. Diet, iii., 15.
Palmella bituminosa, Meneg. Nost. p. 56.
Protococcus bituminosus, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. i., t. 5.
Gleocapsa bituminosa, Kutz. Spec. 224.
On walls of damp cellars, &c.
Plate CXXIX. fig. 1. Cells and families x 400 diam.
F leuxococcus v e s titu s . Reinsch. Algen. Fl. %>. 56.
Cells solitary, rarely united in small families, orange ; cell-
membrane thick, densely invested witb small hairs.
S iz e . Cells •012--022 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. i., 29.
Acanthococcus vestitus, Lagerh. Svenska Vet. Akad. Forh.,
1883, p. 37.
Plate CXXIX. fig. 2. Cells X 400 diam.
G en u s 14 bis. DACTYLOCOCCUS. Nag. (1849).
Cells oblong or fusiform (at first ovate-cuspidate, then ellipsoid),
free swimming, 2 -8 associated in families, at length
dividing and becoming single.
Propagation by division in one direction.
S a c ty lo c o c cu s De Baryanus. Beinsch. Contrib. t. x.,/. 1.
Cells broadly elliptical-oval, apex broadly rounded, base
attenuated into a hyaline pedicel, half as long as the cell, and
expanded at its extremity, single or twin, cell-oontents intense
green, granulose, at length divided in 3 or 4. Cell membrane
Size. C e lls -033 x '016 mm.
Parasitic on small aquatic crustaceans, Entomostraca, &o.
Plate CXXIX. fig. 3. a, individuals x 400 diam.; b, two individuals
X 720 diam.
To be inserted at page 91 —
S p iio g y ra v e la ta . Nordst. Lund. Univ. Arsslcrift, 1872, Vol. ix.
Sterile cells witb the ends truncate, 3-4 times as long as
broad, chlorophyll band single, making 1 ^ to '2 ^ turns in the
Spores elongated-oval, polymorphous, 1 J to 3 times as long
as broad ; epispore thick, composed of four membranes ; the
second is hyaline and scrobiculate; the th ird is coloured
Sporiferous cells a little swollen or not at all, sometimes
shorter, sometimes a little longer than the spores.
S iz e . Cells 'OSS-'Odmm. ; zygospore -OfiX'OSS—'085 X
•045 mm.
P e tit Spirogyra, p. 25, t. 7, fig. 1-5.
In ditches.
England (Leicester. P . Bates).
The zygospore has a broad hyaline border finely denticulate with the
sorobiculations of the second membrane.
Plate CXXX. fig. 1. a, sterile cells X 200; h, sterile cell x 400;
0, fertile cells with zygospores X 200 diam.; d, e,/, zygospores with the
investing cells X 400 diam.
A t page 165, after OE. capillare, add —
OE d o g o n ium c a p illifo zm e . Kutz. Spec. 367 (?).
Oogonia single, a little swollen, obversely egg-shaped, opening
witb a superior pore ; oospores ellipsoid-globose or cylindrically
globose (almost four-angled in optical section), not
filling the oogonia ; male plants a little more slender tban the
females ; spermogonia 2 - 1 0 celled, alternating with the vegetative
cells ; terminal cell obtuse.
S iz e . Cells of female -OS-'OSI mm., 1^ to 3 times as long ;
of male '024-'028 mm., l ^ times as long ; oogonium '042-'048
X -051-'062 mm ; oospore •037--045 x -04--05 mm., usually
•039--04; sperm, cell •02--025 x 'OOS-'Ol mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 31. Kntz. Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 37, f-
3 (?).
I n pool and ditches.
Britain (Leicester. F. Bates).
Plate CXXIX, fig. 4. a, female filament with oogonia X 400 diam. ;
b, male cells with alternating spermogonia X 400 diam.