li* 1
1 1
the appearance of being covered with pitch ; on places where it becomes
dry by exposure to tlie sim it is very friable, and on being touched
crumbles down to a powder.”—Moore, in Hass. loc. cit.
Plate L X X X U l . f i g . 5.
Glæocapsa livida, drawn from Camuohael’s
original specimen X 400.
G læ o c ap sa c a ld a r io z um . Balh. Alg. Eur. 37.
Thallus irregular thick gelatinous, pale yellowish, cells solitary,
globose or rather elliptical, tegument sphærical or elliptic,
colourless lamellose, lamellæ often diffuse, the externally one
manifestly diffluent ; cell-contents homogenous, or rather
granulose, pale blue-green.
S iz e . Cells 'OOS-'OOô mm. with envelope ‘OlO-'Oi mm.
Glæocapsa montana var. caldarii, Suringar Obs. 54, t. 4, f.
E. Kiroh. Alg. Schles. 257.
On walls, flower-pots, glass, &c., in conservatories and greenhouses.
Plate L X X I I I . fig. 6. Cells magnified 400 diam.
G læ o c ap sa p o ly d e im a tic a . Kutz. Tab. 1, t. 20.
Thallus gelatinous, more or less compact, dirty green, or olive
becoming brownish; cells small sphærical, tegument very thick,
hyaline lamellose, lamellæ numerous, concentric, firm ; cell-
contents verdigris green, almost homogenous.
S iz e . Cells •003-'0045 mm. ; with envelope -023 mm.
Families '05 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 37. Kirch Alg. Schles. 257.
Microcystis rupestris, Meneg. Nost. 72, t. 9, f. 1.
Hoematococcus rupestris, Hass. Alg. 326, t. 82, f. 1.
On moist rocks.
“ Frond hyaline, gelatinous, yellowish green, easily broken up, about
an inch in diameter, shapeless, rough, pellucid, more or less dense in the
centre and elevated ; when dried collapsed, blackish, cartilaginous,
fragile. Subjected to the microscope it appears constituted of hyaline
subsphærical vesicles, enclosing yellowish green, splierical or slightly
oblong globules usually undivided. Solitary globules, magnified with
glasses less powerful are seen free and naked ; by means of a more
powerful microscope, almost all are perceived to be clothed with a proper
cyst, larger vesicles enclose smaller, and the whole frond appears areo-
lated, the hollow areolæ containing solitary or binate globules. The
vesicles general as well as partial, duplex, triplex, or multiplex, and that
without any perceptible order, commonly present concentric circles,
generally approximated, evident to the light.”—Meneghini.
Plate LXXXIII. fig. 7. Cells magnified 400 diam.
Glæoca.psa q u a te r n a ta . Kutz. Tab.i., t.2 0 ,f. 1 .
Thallus mucous, effused, dirty green, becoming reddish
brown; cells usually sphærical, single or twin or quaternate
(rarely 6-8) in families, tegument narrow, lamellose, achromatic,
rounded or oblong ; cell-contents verdigris green, homogenous,
or delicately granulated.
S i z e . Cells ■0032--0045 mm. ; with envelope ■007-'011 mm.
Families •011-022 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 37. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 257.
Coccochloris quaternata, Breb. 1\ISS.
On rocks or moist ground (Scotland).
Plate L X X X I I I . jig. 8. Ceils magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa a ien a z ia . {Hass.) Babh. Alg. Eur. i., 39.
Thallus mucous, cohærent, somewhat olive-coloured ; cells
large sphærioal, tegument thick oblong or almost sphærioal,
colourless, lamellose ; lamellæ diffluent, cell-oontents verdigris
green then brownish, distinctly granulated.
S i z e . Cells -OOSS-'OOh mm., with envelope -006-'014 mm.
Families '04 mm.
Kabh. Alg. Enr. ii., 39.
Hoematococcus arenarius, Hass. Alg. 330, t. 76, f. 10.
In springs and thermal waters.
Plate LXXXIV. fig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa æruginosa. {Carm.) Kutz. Tab. i., t. 21, f. 2.
Thallus crustaceous, grumons, or cartilaginous, glaucous
green ; cells small sphærical, tegument thick colourless, indistinctly
lamellose, externally not rarely angular, cell-contents
verdigris green, homogenous.
S i z e . Cells •0022--003 mm. with envelope •0044-’0088 mm.
Families -OlG-'Oh mm.
Eabh. Alg E u r. ii., 39. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 258.
Palmella oeruginosa, Oarm. MSS.
Hoematococcus æruginosus, Hass. Alg. 333, t. 82, f. 3.
On limestone and other rooks.
Plate LXXXIV. jig. 2. Cells and families magnified 400 diam.
G l æ o c a p s a m a g m a . (Breb.) Kutz, Tab. I., t. 22, f. 1.
Thallus grumons, ra ther crustaceous, purple brown, blackish
when dry ; cells for the most part sphæ.rical, tegument lamellose
intense purple or coppery-brown, usually not pellucid,
external stratum very broad, globose, paler or colourless, soon
diffluent ; cell-contents verdigris green, granulose, often becoming
S iz e . Cells -0045--007 mm., with envelope •006-'012 mm.
2 G