158 nematophyoeæ.
I i f
larger and elliptic oogonium; aperture of the oogonium very
high up, being quite close to the annular striæ of the caps.
OEdogonivm PringsJuimianim, Archer, in Quart. Journ.
Micr. Sci., 1868, pp. 295.
There being already a speoies bearing the name of OEdogonium
Prings/ieimii, which had priority, it became necessary to alter Mr.
Arohei’a specific name. lYe have moi seen the species, and hence are
unable to furnish a figure. Unfortunately no measurements are given
with the above very brief description, which is a doubtful economy of
space. I t is the only raonoecions species with striate elliptical
Section i i . Dioecious speoies.
A. Diva rf males unicellular.
a. Oogonia furnished with verticellate median processes.
OEdogonium p la ty g yn um . Wittr. OEdog. Nov. p. 1.
Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single (very rarely binate), depressedly
obverse egg-shaped, median processes 7-12, rounded;
oogonia cut round (oircuinsoissile) below the middle, opening by
a pore seated in the fissure, vertical view 'orbicular, margin
sinuate, with 7-12 (usually 8) depressions; oospores rather depressedly
globose, nearly filling tbe oogonium, androsporangia
1-3 celled ; terminal cell obtuse. Dwarf males obverse egg-
shaped, small, seated on the oogonia.
S iz e . Cells '006- 01 mm., from 2-5 times as long ; oogonia
'021--03 X '016-'024 mm. ; oospore'017-'024 x '015-'02 mm. ;
androsp. cell '006--008 x '007-'008 mm. ; dwarf males
'0045--005 x '0085--0095 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 17, t. 1, f. 5-9. Kirch. Alg. Schles.
p. 53.
Plate L IX . fig. 5. (Edvgoniumplatygynum, with oogonium ; a, trans-
verse section of oospore x 400.
b. Oogonia destitute of median processes.
a Oospores globose or subglobose.
OEdogouium R o th ii. {Le Clerc.) Prings. Beitr. 69, t. 5, f. 4.
Gynandrosporous. Oogonia single, or 2-6 continuous, globose,
or rather depressedly globose, opening with a pore a t the
middle. Oospores rather depressedly globose, almost filling the
oogonia. Androsporangia 2-4 celled, subhypogynous ; dwarf
males obversely egg-shaped, seated on the oogonia.
S iz e . Cells '006-'008 mm., 3-8 times as long ; oogonia
•02--021 X ‘Oie-'OIO mm,
cëdogoniaoeÆ. 159
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 18. Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 53. Kabh.
Alg. Bur. iii. 348.
Vesiculifera Rothii, Hassall, t. 53, f. 7 ?
Prolifera Rothii, Le Clerc Prolif. 476, t. 23, f. 8 ?
Scotland, Ireland, England.
Mr. Archer meutious this plant aa having been found by him with a
chain of as many as eleven oogonia in snooession.—Quart. Micro. Journ.,
1866, p. 69.
Plate L IX . fig 6. OEdogonium Rothii with oogonia, androsporangia, and
dwarf males X 400.
OE d o g o u ium A ie s c h o u g ii. Wittr. Disp. : p . 122.
Gynandrosporous. Oogonia 2-6, continuous or single, rather
depressedly globose, broadly out round (circumscissile) in the
middle, opening by a pore in the fissure. Oospore exactly
globose, not by any means filling the oogonium. Androsporangia
1-6 celled, hypogynous or subepigynous, or rarely
scattered, terminal cell (which sometimes is the androsporangium),
obtuse, dwarf males obversely egg-shaped, seated on the oogonia.
S iz e . Cells '008--012 mm., 4-6 times as long ; Oogonia
'038--039 x '036--04 mm. ; oospore '022--024 x '022--024
mm.; androsp. cells 'O l-'O il X '01-'012 mm.; dwarf males
'006--007 X '014--015 mm.
Archer in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1872, xii., p. 422. W ittr.
Mon. OEdog. p. 19.
Plato LIX. fig 7. OEdogonium Areschougii with oogonia, audro-
aporangia, and dwarf males X 400—after Wittrock.
OE d o g o u ium p lu v ia le . Nordst. Bah. Alg. Eur. No. 2251.
Idio-androsporous. Oogonia simple, rarely 2-3 continuous,
obversely egg-shaped, globose, or nearly globose, opening by a
terminal operculum, fissure narrow ; oospores nearly globose,
almost filling the oogonium, terminal cell obtuse, filaments
bearing the androsporangia a little slenderer than the female
filaments; androsporangia 6-10 celled; dwarf males broadly
obverse egg-shaped, seated on the oogonia.
S iz e , Cells '018-'028 mm., equal to three times as lo n g ;
oogonia '034-'039 X '034-'045 mm. ; oospore '032-'037x
'03 1 -'0 4 mm, ; androsp. cell '017-'019 X '006-'011 mm. ;
dwarf males '01 x '015 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 19.
OEdogonium diplandritm, Ju r. Beitr. OEdog. p. 27, t. 1-3.
Vesiculifera dissiliens, Hass. F . W. Alg. 202, t. 50, f. 7.
Plate L IX . fig. 8. OEdogonium pluviale with oogonia and dwarf
male x 400.
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