Chroococcus cchærens. Näg.fide Rahh.
Cells oblong, twin, or in fours, with a distinct hyaline ellipsoid
tegument ; cell-membrane thin, achromatic ; cell-contents
homogenous, or slightly turbid, blue-green.
S iz e . Cells ’OOS-'OOß mm. diam. Families of 2-4 individuals.
Kabh. Alg. E u r. ii., 30. Kiroh. Alg. Sohles. 261.
Protococcus cohoerens, Kutz. Spec. 197. Tab. Phyo. 1, t. 5.
Pleurococcus cohoerens, Breb. in Meneg. Nost. Ital. 35, t. iv.,
f. 3.
On damp walls and flower pots.
Plate L X X X I I I . fig. 1. Cells magnified 400 diam.
C h ic c c c c cu s tu r g id u s. Säg. Einz. Á lg .p .4 6 .
Cells sphærical, oblong-ellipsoid, or more or less angular from
compression, single, twin, ternate, or quaternate (rarely 8),
associated in families, tegument thick, usually evidently lamellose,
colourless. Cell-membrane thin ; cell contents bright
verdigris green and homogenous, at length becoming brownish
and granulated.
S iz e . Cells -013--025 mm. diam. Families of 2-4.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 32. Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 262.
Protococcus turgidus, Kutz. Tab. i., t. 6, f. 1.
Hoematococcus binalis, Hass. Alg. p. 331, t. 82, f. 2.
In swampy places and on moist rooks.
Not at all uncommon; often mixed with other algæ. Easily distinguished
by its size.
Plate L X X X III. fig. 2. Cells magnified 400 diam.
G enus 82. GLOEOCAFSA. Kutz. (1843.)
Cells sphærical, either single or numbers, associated in
families, the single cell included in a vesiculiform tegument,
this cell undergoing division into two daughter cells. Each
has a distinct tegument, the whole being surrounded by the
tegument of the mother cell. This process is repeated again
and again, the original tegument remaining and surrounding
the family thns formed. Cell membrane thick, often very thick,
equalling or exceeding in diameter the cavity of the cell;
colourless or coloured, mostly lamellated, stra ta not iin-
frequently separating. Cell contents of various colours,
æruginous, bluish green, steel-blue, reddish, yellowish, fuscous,
&c. Division of the cells in three directions, the last generation
of the cells smaller than the early ones.—Rabh. Alg. E u r .
ii., 34.
Glæocapsa c o ia c in a . Kutz. Phye. Oen. 174, t. 6, /. 1.
Thallns crustaceous, very black, lubricous ; single cells
sphærical, small, tegument very pale violet, distinctly lamellose,
cell contents homogenous blue-green.
S iz e . Cells -OOSS-'OOd; with envelope -OOe-'OU mm.
Families -009--075 mm. diam.
Kabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 35. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 258.
Microcystis atrovirens, Meneg. Nost. Ital. 76, t. 10, f. 1.
On rocks, and on boggy ground amongst moss.
Plate L X X X III. fig. 3. CeUs magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa atxata. (Autz.) Rahh. Alg. Eur. 35.
Thallus crustaceous, mucous, black ; cells sphærical small,
tegument very thick, hyaline, homogenous, two or three times
broader than the central cell, oell-conteuts pale verdigris green,
rather granulated.
S iz e . Cells •0035--0045 mm., with envelope -OOO-'OU mm.
Families 'Ol-'OS mm.
Nkg. Einz. Alg. t. 1, f. 1. Kiroh. Alg. Schles. p. 258.
Microcystis atra, Kutz. in Linn, viii., 375.
On rocks in mountain regions.
Plate LXXXIII. fig. 4. Cells magnified 400 diam.
Glæocapsa lív id a . (Carm.) Kutz. Tab. i., i. 21,/. 5.
Thallus mucous, rounded lobate, broadly expanded hyaline
dingy green, or olive brownish, cells very minute, tegument
pale bluish, hyaline, cell contents solid dark blue-green.
S iz e . Cells-OOS-'OOe mm.; with envelope-006--0078 mm.
Families 'Olô-’OS mm.
Eabh.Alg. Eur. ii., 86. Kirch. Alg. Schles. 258.
Palmella livida, Carm. in Grev. Fl. Edin. ; Eng. Fl. v., 397.
Harv. Man. 178.
Hoematococcus lividus, Hass. Alg. 332, t. 82, f. 5.
Î livida, Meneg. Nost. 74, t. 9, f. 2.
On naked ground, or amongst moss and lichens, rarely on
rocks, on mountainous moors.
“ Covers the overhanging limestone rocks to a great extent, sometimes
as much as several hundred yards together. When fresh it looks like a
blackish brown, gelatinous substance, giving the rooks on which it grows