ly n g b y a æstuazii. lAeb. Danska Algfiora. (1839.)
Trichomes rigid, flexnously curved, blue green, granular,
densely interwoven in dark blue green tufts ; joints 3-6 times
shorter than their diameter ; scarcely constricted ; sheaths
pellucid, hyaline, becoming brownish, at first scarcely lamellose,
at length when old becoming distinctly lamellose.
S iz e . Trichomes •025--03 mm. diam., without sheath.
Lyngbya oeruginosa, Ag. Syst. p. 74. Eabh. Alg. Eu r. ii.,
Lyngbya ft. ferruginea, Harv. Phyo. Britt., t. 311.
Lyngbya curvata, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 137.
Lyngbya majuscula, Cocks Brit. Seaweeds No. 365.
In brackish water.
Plate Cl. fig. 1. a, portion of filament X 160 diam. J, extremity
of filament, with portion of trichome escaped X 160 diam. c, portion of
filament with the triohome divided into hormogones X 330. d, e, hormogones
X 330, all after Thuret.
Lyngbya litto z a lis . (Carm).
Stratum thin, submembranaoeous, mucilaginous, blue green,
shortly radiating ; trichomes rigid, flexuous, vividly oscillating,
eq u a l; joints 4-5 times as broad as long, constricted at their
junction and hyaline, dissepiments granulated, extreme apiculus
straight, broadly rounded, paler ; cell contents pale blue green,
very delicately granular.
Siz e . Threads ■013--015 mm. diam.
Oscillatoria litloralis, Carm. Alg. Ap p .; Eng. Fl. v., 375.
Harv. Man., 165. Harv. Phyo. B ritt, t. 105, fig. a.
In brackish water, and in rock pools by the shore.
“ Stratum exceedingly thin, slimy, builated by the extrication of air-
bubbles, of a dark green colour, spreading to an indefinite extent over
the muddy bottom of the pool.”—Carm.
Plate Oil. Jig. 1. Portions of trichomes X 400, from the original
Lyngbya ochracea. Thur. Arm. Sci. Nat. (1875) 377.
Forming cloud-like floating fragile masses of an ochrey
colour. Trichomes very slender, s c a tte re d ; joints scarcely
S iz e . Trichomes -002 mm. diam., including sheath.
Kirch. Alg. Schl. 241.
Leptothrix ochracea, Kntz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 61, fig. 1 .
Conferva ochracea, Dillw. Conf. t. 62.
Oscillatoria ochracea, Grev. Fl. Edin. 304. Harv. Man.
167. Eng. Fl. V., 878. Eng. Bot. ii., 187. Johnst. Fl.
Berw. ii., 264. Mack. Hib. 240. El. Dev. i i . , 57. Gray.
Arr. i., 281.
In boggy pools.
This species is common in boggy pools “ where it occurs in cloud-like
masses, scarcely to be called strata, the filaments are very slender and
scattered without order. Diliwyn’s figure incorrectly represents tlie
filaments as branched.”
Plate cn. jig. 4. Trichomes X 400.
L yngbya in u n d a ta . (Kutz.)
Deep blue green, with a whitish grumous membranaceous
substratum, trichomes curyed rather rigid, pale blue green,
rarely fasciculate, sheaths narrow, joints shorter than their
diameter, dissepiments naked (not granulated), extreme apex
straight obtuse.
S iz e . Trichomes ’004 mm. diam.
Phormidium inundatmn, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 45, f. 3.
Rabh. Alg. Eu r. ii., 116.
Oscillaria autumhalis, Carm. (p&rilj). Harv. Man. 165. Hass,
Alg. 251, t. 72, f. 7.
Margin of ditches, by moist roads, on flowerpots, &c.
“ Stratum extensively spreading, very dark and lubricous, glossy when
dry, filaments remarkably pale, striæ not very evident, a variety is common
on clayey ground, which occurs in small circular patches about an
inch or two in diameter.”—Harvey.
The filaments in Carmichael’s specimens are not more than half the
diameter of those in Lyngbya vulgaris, to which species they are usually
Plate cn. fig. 8. Portions of trichomes X 400.
Lyngbya v u lg a ris . Kimih. Alg. Solil.2i2.
Stratum thin, more or less expanded, mucilaginous, dark
coloured (olive, lirowii, yellow, steel blue or purplish) opaque or
shining, by age becoming thickened, but rarely lamellose, and
without a substratum being formed ; trichomes straight, rigid,
distinctly vaginate, joints equal to their diameter or shorter,
dissepiments delicately granulated, apex evidently attenuated,
now and then somewhat curved, naked.
S iz e . Trichomes’0045-'0065 mm. with sh e a th ’OOG-'OOO mm.
Phormidium vulgare, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i., t. 46, fig. 4. Rabh.
Alg. Eur. ii., 119.
........ , ___ __ - . - .......... -.mm....