P Oogonia manifestly tnmid.
aa Oospores globose or subglobose.
CE. calcareum, Witti'»
OE. cardiaoum, Hass.
OE. carbonicum, Wittr,
CE. Pringsbeimii, Qram,
OE. punctato-striatum, D. By,
)3j0 Oospores ellipsoid or egg-shaped.
OE. Boscii, Le Cl.
OE. tumidulura, Kutz.
OE. Landsboroughii, Hass,
V. gemelliparum, P i\
OE. rivulare, Le Cl.
Sect. 3. Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly
I J :5i i!
a. Oospores globose or subglobose.
CE. delicatulum. Kutz.
CB. tenellum. Kutz.
CB. hexagonum. Hass.
CE. Londinense. Wittr.
CE. fasoiatum. Kutz.
CE. capillaoeum. Kutz.
CE. Hutohinsiee. Wittr.
CB. princeps. Hass.
i. Oospores snbelliptio or oval.
CB. longatum. Kutz.
CB. vesioatum.
CB. grande. Kutz.
CE. giganteum. Kutz.
CE. crassum. Hass.
CE. subsetaoeum. Kutz.
Il'ii Ì !
ä i \
l l :
H it’ s
The following ot Hassall’s species of Tesiculifera have not been identified
Tesiculifera condensata, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 196.
„ Cuvieri, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 198.
Ealfsii, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 199, t. 50, f. 8.
„ virescens, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 200, t. 50, f. 5.
„ ovata, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 201, t. 50, f. 6.
„ dissiliens, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 202, t. 50, f. 7.
„ sphffirioa, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 204, t. 53, f. 5.
„ insequalis, Hass. F. W. Alg. p. 205, t. 63, f. 2.
„ dnbia, Hass. P. W. Alg. p. 206, t. 53, f. 14.
Mnlleri, Hass. P. W. Alg. p. 207, t. 63, f. 10.
alata, Hass. p. W. Alg. p. 208, t. 52, f. 9.
„ affinis, Hass. P. W, Alg. p. 206, t. 53, f. 1.
Some of Kutzing’s species, which are imperfectly desorihed, have beeu
mentioned as British, bnt we have no sufficient knowledge of them to
warrant their insertion.
S e c t io n 1 . Monoecious species.
A. Oogonia always destitute o f median processes,
a. Oospores globose or subglobose.
OEdogonium P e tr i. Wittr. Mon. Ædog. p. 6.
Oogonia single, very rarely binate, pear-shaped globose, opening
by a pore a little above the middle. Oospores rather
depressed globose, almost filling the oogonium ; spermogonia
1-2 celled, hypogynous or epigynous ; spermatozoids single (?),
terminal cell obtuse.
S i z e . Cells -006-’007 mm., 5-7 times as long; oogonia
•021--024 mm. x •022--029 mm.; oospore ■020--23 X
•017--019 mm. ; cells of spermogonia -0055--006 X ’Ol-’O ll
irch. Alg. Sohles. p. 51.
Having carefully measured a great number of the speoies here recorded,
and fonnd Wittrook’s measurements nniversally accurate, we
have given his dimensions throughout for all the species recorded by him.
Unfortunately it is not easy to reduce Eabenhorst’s measurements to
millemetres, and equally difficult to reconcile them.
Plate L X V I I I . fig. 1. OEdogonium Petri with oogonia X ’400.
OEdogonium c iy p to p o ium . Wittr. Dispos. OEd.p. 19.
Oogonia single, elliptic, or rather depressed globose, opening
by a median pore, almost filling the oogonium, spermogonia 2-7
celled, scattered. Spermatozoids single (?).
S i z e . Cells •007--009 mm. 4-6 times as long ; oogonia
•024-'025 X •026--027 mm. ; oospore -022--023 X •019--021
mm.; cells of spermogonium -OOG-'OOS x ‘007-'011 mm.
van-. 0. vu lg a r e . Wittr.
Oogonia 2-5, continuous or single, spermogonia 1-4 celled, sub-
epigynous or hypogynous, or scattered.
S i z e . Cells -OOS-'OOS mm. 3-5 times as long; oogonia
•018--025 X •018--026 mm, ; oospore •016--022 x -013--018
mm. ; cells of spermogonium •005-’007 X •009-’012 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Sohles. p. 52. W ittr. Mon. p. 7.
We have only seen the vai-iety, from the West of England. The type
form has not yet been found in Britain.
Plate L X V I I I . fig. 2. OEdogonium cryptoporum. var. vulgare with
oogonia X '400
: , I
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