i I
Trentepohlia aurea, Ag. Syst. p. 36.
Ectocarpus aureus, Lyugb. Hydro. Dau. t. 44. Grev. Fl.
lid. 315.
On walls, rooks, oliips, bark, &o.
Plate L X X I I . Jiy. 1. Portions of filameuta X 400 a, zoospor-
anginm ; b, zoospore; e, same at r e s t ; d, germinating zoospore.
Chioolepus odoratus. {Lyngb) Ag. Syst. 35.
Stratum thin, I’ather tomentose, rufous-tawny (when dry
cinereous, becoming greenish). Threads and branches abbreviated,
erect, parallel, flexnously curved, tornlose ; cells equal
or twice as long as their diameter.
S iz e . Cells •02--025 mm. diam.
Eng. Fl. V., 381. Harv. Man. 190. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii.,
Conferva odorata, Lyngb. Hydr. Dan. t. 57. Johnst. PL
Berw. ii., 245.
On the bark of various trees, especially of Birch and
Plate L X X II. fig. 2. Portion of thread of Chroolepus odoratus x 400.
Chioolepus lo lith u s . (Linn.) Ag. Syst. p. 34.
Stratum thin, or a line thick, reddish-orange, glaucous or
dirty greenish when dry, threads and branches elongated, rather
dichotomous, variously curved, ascending ; cells one and a half
or three times as long as their diameter, in the upper portion
of the branches reaching to double th at proportion.
S i z e . Cells •026'-'04 mm. diam. Zoosporangium ‘05 mm.
Eng. Fl. V., 380. Eng. Bot. ii., p. 189. Harv. Man. 189.
Mack. Hib. 246. Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 373.
Byssus lolitlms, Linn. Spec. 1688. Hull. Br. FL 308.
Olivia violacea. Gray. Arr. i., 850.
Trentepohlia lolithus, Wallr. Comp. iv. 151.
On rooks, in moist places.
Plate LXXII. fig. 4. Portion of thread of Chroolepus lolithus x 400;
a, zoosporangium x 400.
Chioolepus ilic ic o lu s . Eng. Bot. li., t. 2529.
Filaments erect, alternately branched, forming tufts of a
permanent tawny-yellow. Cells nearly as long as broad.
S i z e . Cells about '03 mm. diam.
Conferva ilicicola, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1639.
Chroolepus aureus, Eng. FL v., 380, in part.
On Holly bark.
Included in Harvey’s Manual (p. 189) under Chroolepus
aureus. Figured from the original specimen.
Plate LXXII. fig. 5. Portion of thread of Chroolepus ilicicolus
Chioolepus iic h e n ic o lu s . Ag. Syst. 34.
Tufts red-orange ; threads erect, tufted, alternately branched,
rigid ; cells slightly tumid, as long as broad.
S iz e . Cells -012 mm. diam. Zoosporangium about -015
mm. diam.
Eng. Fl.v ., 881. E n g . Bot. ii. t., 2530. Harv. Man. 190.
Mack. Hib. 247. n c
Conferva lichenicola, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1609. Dillw. Com. p.
'chroolepus abietinum, Rabh. Alg. Eur. ill., 372, in part.
On Lichens and old trees.
Figured from the original specimens.
Plate LX X II. fig. 3. Portion of thread of Chroolepus abietinum,
var. liehenicolus X 400.
Species Excluded.
C h i o o l e p u s A i n o t t i i . Harv. Man. p. 191.
This is a fungus, Antennaria Arnottii, Berk m Herb.
C h i o o l e p u s e h e n e a . Harv. Man.p. 189.
Conferva ebenea, Dillw. Conf. t. 101.
Byssus nigra, Eng. Bot. i., t. 702.
Probably a species of TIelminthosporimn.
C h i o o l e p u s m e la en u s. Carm. in Harv. Alan. p. 189.
Conferva melaena, Lyngb. Hydrot. 57.
Apparently a Torula.
C h i o o l e p u s m e s o m e l a s . Cam. in Harv. Alan. p. 189.
Torula mesomela, Carm. Alg. App.
We have seen no specimen, but it would appear from description
to bo Helminthosporimn. ^
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