■ í r i
ifu '.' ;'
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 48. Kircli. Alg, Soldes, p. 61.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii,, p. 357. Quart. Journ. Mior. Soi., 1866,
p. 276.
Britain, Ireland.
Flate L X V I I I . fig. 4. Bulbochæte gigantea, with oogonium and
dwarf male x 400.
Section 2. Oogonia ellipsoid or subellipsoid.
S u b - S b o t io n 1 . S p e c i e s m o n oe c io u s .
Bulbochoete niixahilis. Wittr. Disp. OEdog. 137, t. l , f . 8, 9.
Oogonia ellipsoid, or rather oblong-ellipsoid, patent, or rarely
erect, seated beneath terminal setæ or vegetative cells ; spermogonia
2-4 celled, erect (rarely patent), subepigynous, or
S i z e . Cells -016-'02 mm. l ^ l f times as long ; oogonia
•027--035 X •046--056 mm. ; sperm, cell •01--012 x -007--009
ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 50.
Britain, Ireland.
Plate L X V I I I . fig. 2. Bulbochæte mirabilis, with oogonia and
androsporangia x 400.
S u b - S b o t io n 2 . Speoies dioeoious.
Bulbochoete pygmoea. Wittr. Disp. OEdog. p. 141.
Cogonia ellipsoid, patent, seated beneath terminal setæ, or
vegetative cells, in longitudinal section rather quadrangular ;
androsporangia scattered, dwarf males seated about the oogonia.
(Filament at first short, and curved.)
S iz e . Cells •012--015 mm. x a th ird p a r t sh o rte r or equal ;
oogonia •023-’025 x '034--04 m m .; stem of dwarf males
■011-'012 X -Olh-'OIS m m .; spe rm cell -007--007Ô X
•007--0075 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 52. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1870,
p. 89.
Bulbochoete pygmoea, ¡3. minor, Prings. Beitr. p. 74, t, 6, f.
Ireland, Britain.
Plate L X V I I I . fig. 6. Vlantoi Bulbochæte pygmoea, With oogorWirn.
and (a) section of oospore x 400.
Bulbochæte iu s ig u is . Prings. Beitr. 72, i. 6, f. 7.
Cogonia ellipsoid, patent or erect, seated beneath androsporangia
or terminal setæ ; epispore delicately transversely
striate ; androsporangia epigynous, or rarely scattered ; dwarf
males seated about or upon the oogonia.
S iz e . Cells •02--025 mm. 2 i - 4 i times as lo n g ; oogonia
• 046--05 X -O?-'! mm. ; androspore cell -016--02 X •02--025
mm. ; stem of dwarf males ■017-’0 l9 X ■029-‘031 mm. ; sperm,
cell 'O l-'O ll X -0075-'008 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 55. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 62.
Eabh. Alg, Eur. iii. 360.
Bulbochæte Pringsheimiana Arch. Proc. Dubl. Micro. Club p.
38, t. 4.
Plate L X V II. fig. 4.
male x 400.
Bulbochæte insignis, with oogonium and dwarf
B ulbochæte le c ta u g u la r is . Wittr. Disp. OEdog. p. 142.
Cogonia ellipsoid, patent, or rarely erect, seated beneath
terminal setæ, or androsporangia, or rarely beneath vegetative
cells; androsporangia scattered or epigynous; vegetative cells
somewhat rectangular in longitudinal section (horizontal division
of vegetative cells often occurs). Branches of the plant
few and very long ; dwarf males seated about or upon the
S iz e . Cells -019--023 mm., 1 ^ 2 times as long ; oogonia,
•08--089 X -048--055 mm. ; androspore cell -015-'016 X •016--027
mm. ; stem of dwarf males •015--018 x -022--027 mm. ; sperm,
cell -008--0095 x •0055--0065 mm.
W ittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 56, t. 1, f. 22-24.
Plate L X V III. fig. 3. BuXbochcete reotangula/ris, with oogonia and
dwarf male x 400.
Species of which the organs of fructification are imperfectly
Bulbochæte g r a c ilis . Prings. Beitr. 74, #.6,/. 9.
Monoecious [?). Cogonia oblong-ellipsoid, patent or rarely
erect, with vegetative cells above ; supporting cells without
dissepiment (?).
S iz e . Cells -013-'014 mm., to times as long ; oogonia
■021--024 X -049--054 mm.
Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 57. Eabh. Alg. E n r. iii., 3o9. Quart.
Journ. Mior. Soi. 1870, p. 89.
Plate LXVI. fig- 9. Bulbochæte g r a c i l i s , with oogomum x 400.