S iz e . Cells 'OOO-'Oll mm., 4-8 times as long ; oogonia
•025 mm. diam ; oospore -016-'018 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 355.
Doeside (Scotland).
Plate LXVI. fig. 6. OEdogonium tenellum, with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium h ex a g on um . Kutz. Tab. in ., t. 35, /. 3.
Oogonia almost globose ; oospores globose, rufous-brown, not
filling tbe oogonia ; basal cell bifurcate ; terminal cell often
S iz e . Cells 'Oll-'OIS mm. 2-4 times as long ; oogonia
•025 X -025 mm.; oospore-016 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii. 354.
Vesiculifera hexagona Hassall Algæ t. 53, f. 11-12.
Deeside (Scotland).
Plate L x Y l . Jig. 8. OEdogonium hexagonum, with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium Londin en se . Wittr. Mon. Ædog. p. 39.
Monoecious ? oogonia twin or single, globose, cut round (circumscissile)
in the middle, opening by a pore seated in the
fissure ; oospores globose, almost filling the oogonia ; spermogonia
(or androsporangia ?) 1-2 celled, hypogynous.
S i z e . Cells -Ol-'OlS mm. 1-^ to 5 times as long ; oogonia
•0 3 3 - - 0 3 5 X •0 3 3 - - 0 4 3 mm. ; oospore -0 2 7 - - 0 3 2 x - 0 2 7 - 0 3 2
mm. ; sperm, cells -0 2 6 - - 0 2 7 x -0 2 7 - - 0 2 9 mm.
Plate L X V . fig. 4. OEdogonium Londinense with oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium fa so ia tum . Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 34, /. 6.
Oogonia somewhat globose ; oospores globose, rufous-brown,
almost filling the oogonia ; basal cell usually bilobate, terminal
cell obtuse.
S iz e . Cells •028-'03 mm,, twice as long ; oogonia -04 mm. ;
oospore •08-'082 mm.
DeBary OEdog. t. 3, f. 23-28. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 854.
Vesiculifera fasciata Hassall Algæ t. 53, f. 6.
Deeside (Scotland).
Plate L X V I . fig. 2. OEdogomum fasciafum, v/ith oogonia, x '400.
OEdogonium oapilla o eum. Kutz. Phy. Gen. 255.
Dark green, basal cell attenuated downwards, bifid, terminal
point obtuse, cells sub-cylindrical ; oogonia broadly elliptical,
2-4 often contiguous, opening by a lateral pore ; oospore nearly
globose, rufous-brown when mature, loosely involved in the
Siz e . Cells •02--025 mm. q - 3 times as long; oogonia
•05 X '04 mm. ; oospore -03-'032 mm.
Kutz. Tab. iii., t. 39, f. 6. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 353.
Deeside (Scotland).
Plate L X V I . fig. S. OEdogonium capillaoeum, mth.oogonia x 400.
OEdogonium H u tch in s iæ . Wittr. Mon. OEdog. p. 42.
Oogonia single, rather depressedly to somewhat egg-shaped
globose, opening by a pore above the middle ; oospores filling
the oogonium, epispore punctate with little warts ; supporting
cells swollen.
S iz e . Cells •03-'035 mm., 4-6 times as long; oogonia
•062--Û75 X -065--095 mm. ; oospores -06--073 x -055--072
mm. ; supporting cells •Ü4-'Ü5 mm. 2-4 times as long.
The figure is taken from original specimens from Mias Hutchins in the
Royal Herbarium a t Kew.
Plate LXV. fig. 1. OEdogonium Hutchinsice, with oogonia x 400.
CEdogouium p r in c ep s. (Hass). WiUr. Mon. OEdog. p. 42.
Oogonia single, somewhat egg-shaped globose, opening with
a pore above the middle ; oospores globose, not distinctly filling
the oogonium.
S iz e . Cells -037--045 mm. times as long ; oogonia
061--075 x -068--08 mm. ; oospore -058-'066 x -06--065
esiculifera princeps Hass. P. W. Alg. 195.
Vesiculifera capillaris Hass. F . W. Alg. 195, t. 50, f. 1-2.
Plate LXV. fig. 2. OEdogonium princeps, with oogonia and (a) spermogonia
(?) X 400.
b. Oospores subelliptic or oval.
OEdogonium lon g a tum . Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 3G4.
Oogonia single (often solitary, terminal), rarely 2-3 continuous,
ellipsoid, opening by an operculum, with a narrow
fissure ; oospores globosely-ellipsoid, scarcely filling the
oogonium ; terminal cell obtuse.
S iz e . Cells •005--Ü0G mm. 2-8 times as long; oogonia
•016-'017 X •021--024 mm. ; oospores-Olô-'OIG x 'OIIS-'OISS
i f