Ulva pisiformis, Huds. FL Ang. 572. With An-.,iv. 120.
Chcetophora elegans, Lyngb. Hydro, t. 65.
On submerged plants.
Plate L X X V II. fig. 1.
size, and filaments X 400.
Plants of Chcetophora pisiformis, natural
Chsetophoia tu b e r cu lo sa . (Eoth.) Ag. Syst.
Thallus subglobose, the size of a cherry, bright or pale green,
surface tuberciilose, elastic, fascicles of branches very dense,
lower articulations cylindrical, the upper swollen, extremities
cuspidate, sharp pointed, rarely hair-like.
S i z e . Cells •009--012 mm., of branches -OOS-'Ol mm.
Harv. Man. p. 122. Hass. Alg. 126, t. 9, f. 7, 8. Kutz.
Tab. Phyc. iii., t. 19, f. 1. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 383. Eng.
Fl. V., 889. Jenner Timb. Wells p. 178. Eng. Bot. ii., t.
2547. Johnst. PI. Berw. ii., 260. Mack. Hib. 223. Hook.
Scot. ii., 76. Kirch. Alg. Schles. p. 69.
R ivularia tuberculosa, Eng. Bot. i., 2366.
In clear water.
Plate L X X V III. fig. 1. a, plant of ChiBtogihora tuberculosa, natural
size, b, filaments of same X 400 diam.
Chaetophora e leg a n s. (Both.) Ag. Syst.
Thallus the size of a pea or a cherry, pale green, surface
even, elastic, soft, now and then becoming hard, fascicles of
branches lax, rather flaccid, extremities shortly cuspidate, often
terminating in a hair.
S i z e . Cells -007--009 mm., of branches -OOS-'OOI mm.
Kntz. Tab. Phyo. iii., t. 20, f. 1. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 384.
Kirch. Alg. Schl. p. 69. Eng. Fl. v., 889. Jenner Tiiub.
Wells 178. Mack. Hib. 223. Harv. Man. 122. Grev. Fl.
Ed. p. 321. Hass. Alg. 127, t. 9, f. 3, 4.
R ivu la ria elegans, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1797. Purton Mid. Fl.
ii., 618.
In clear water, attaolied to submerged plants.
Paler in colour, and more hyaline and gelatinons than C. pisiformis.
Plate L X X V II. fg . 2. a, plants of Chcetophora elegans natural
size, b, zoogonidia. c, filament X 400.
Chsetophoza endivsefolia. Ag. Syst. p . 28.
Thallps linear, flattened, 1-1 '"olb «I'tel then elongated,
bright or dark green, dichotomously laciniate (sometimes with
the habit of Riccia flu ita n s), threads and primary branches
mostly colonrless, here and there with green zones, p a ralle l;
fascicles of branches lateral, more or less dense, spreading a rticulations
more or less swollen, nearly equal in length and
diameter, constricted at the joints, cell contents granulose,
S i z e . Cells -Ol-'OlS mm., of branches -008--011 mm.
Kutz. Tab. Phy. iii., t. 21, f. 2. Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 385.
Kiroh. Alg. Scbl. p. 70. Eng. Fl. v., 389. Eng. Bot. ii., t.
2546. Harv. Man. p. 122. Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii., 261. Mack.
Hib. p. 222. Hook. Fl. Soot, ii., p. 76. Hass. Alg. 125, t. 9,
f. 1, 2.
Batracliospermum fa sc iculatum, Vauch. Conf. p. 116, t. 18.^
Ulva incrassata, Eng. Bot. i., t. 967. Huds. Fl. Aug. ii.,
572. With . Arr. iv., 124.
Conferva gelatinosa Damce cornu, Eay Syn. p. 60.
Tremella gelatinosa Dama cornuum,J)'A\. Muse. 5 1 ,1 .10, f. 10.
R iv u la r ia incrassata, Pu rto n Mid. F l.iii., p. 179.
M yriodactylon enclivcefolium, Gray Arr. i., 802.
In ditches, &o.
Exceedingly variable in th e form of the thallus, and hence divided
into 7 or 8 varieties.
Plate L X X V III. fig. 2. a, plants of Chcetophora endivwfelia,
natural size, b, portion of filament X 400 diam.
Chsetophoza p u n c tifo rm is . Kutz. Tab. Phyc. iii., p. 4, t. 18, / . 2.
E ch in e lla articulata, Eng. Bot. ii., t. 2555.
Conferva echinata, Eng. Bot. i., t. 1878.
Assuming th a t Mr. W. Phillips (Grevillea ix., p. 5) is
correct in the presence of globose basal spores, this will have
to find a place in R iv u la r ia , and not in Chcetophora.
Genus 74. C OLEOCHHITE. AreJ. (1844.)
Articulated filaments branched, either united in a pulvinule,
or little cushion, or expanded in a flat, somewhat disc-shaped
parenchymatous thallus ; cells oblong, more or less dilated in
front, sometimes bearing from the back or upper surface a
hyaline bristle, which is sheathed at its base.
Propagation by oospores resulting from sexual fertilization,
and by zoogonidia. Zoogonidia single in the fructiferous cells,
either globose or broadly oval, furnished with two vibratile oilia.
The CoIeoohiBteEe are small discoid Algm, from 1 to 2 mm. in diam.,
bright green colour, constructed of branched rows of cells. They are
found attached to submerged plants in stagnant or slow-moving streams,
and form circular, closely-pressed discs. The chlorophyll is iu parietal
plates or large grannies. Some of the cells bear colourless erect bristles
fixed at the base in narrow sheaths.
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