On naked ground, overruning mosses, &o.
Found in some quantity in one of the stoves of the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Regent’s Park, forming a dark velvety stratum on the stones,
walls, &c.
Plate CVTI. fig. 2. a, slightly enlarged, as seen by aid of a pocket
lens; b, trichomes X 400 ; c, portion of same ; d, hormogones X 400.
Genus 110. TOLYPOTHRIX. Kutz. (1843.)
Triobomes spuriously branched, pseudo-branches spreading.
Eamifioations rarely geminate, oftener solitary, and originating
at a point where the continuity of the trichome is interrupted by
lieterocysts, one or several heterooysts placed directly above
each branohlet.
T o lyp o th r ix flaccida. Kutz. Phyc. Oen., p. 228.
Crespitose, dark blue-green, trichomes and pseudo-branches
elongated, flaccid, arising from a prostrate base, internally pale
blue-green, eitlier interrupted or torulose, distinctly articulate
(wben treated by iodine), joints a little sliorter than broad,
sbeatlis colourless, hyaline, rather broad, heterooysts towards
the base, subglobose or oblong, two or three together, colourless.
S iz e . Trichomes -01 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 227. Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 32, f. 2.
In pools, &c.
Plate C F lll. fig. 1. Portiona of trichomes x 400 diam.
T o ly p o th iix distozta. Kutz. Tah. Phyo.1 1 ., t. 33, f . 5.
Crespitose floccose, bright blue-green, now and then becoming
pale, trichomes and pseudo-branches very loosely interwoveu,
internally blue-green, sometimes apparently continuous, sometimes
distinctly articulate ; joints equal or a little shorter than
their diameter ; sheaths broad, colourless, rarely pale yellow ;
heterooysts at the base, or interjected, subglobose or oblong,
often 2-3 together.
S iz e . Trichomes -012 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 275. Kirch. Alg. Sohl., 228.
Conferva distorta, Dillw. Conf. t. 21. Eiig. Bot. t. 2577.
In swamps.
“ Found occasionally in boggy pools, growing on thick continuous
tnfts, on decaying grass, and about the stems of aquatic plants, upon
small fragments of which it often floats in the autumn on the surface of
the water.”
T o lyp o th z ix ægagzopila. Kutz. Tab. r h y c .l l .,t.3 2 ,f .3 .
Tufts an inch or more broad, somewhat rounded, bright blue
green or greenish olive ; trichomes and pseudo-branches loosely
interwoven, internally pallid blue green, continuous or distinctly
articulate, joints equal or a little longer than their
diameter ; sheaths narrow, hyaline, colourless, heterocysts 2
or 3 (rarely more) iu a series, oblong, hyaline.
Biz e . Tiichomes •01-'012 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 274. Kirch. Alg. Schl., 227.
Tolypotlirix punctata, Hass. Alg. 240, t. 69, f. 3.
In standing pools.
Plate CIX. fig. 1. Portion of triohome with hormogones X 400;
b, c, hormogones after Thuret ; d, e, spores, after Borzi.
var. e, pygmæa. Kutz,
Tufts small, blue green or brownish, trichomes and pseudobranches
slender, very losely interwoven, joints a little shorter
tban broad, sheaths narrow, colourless or yellowish.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOI-'OOS mm, with sheath '01 mm.
Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228.
Tolypothrix pygmæa, Kutz. Tab. Phyc. ii., t. 31, f. 4. Kabh.
Alg. Eur. ii., 275.
Plate CIX. fig. 2. Portion of trichomes with hormogones X 400.
var. f, m u sc ico la . Kutz.
Cæspitose, blue green or brownish, trichomes and pseudo-
branches thicker, elongated, loosely intricate, distinctly articulated,
points a little shorter than broad, sheaths very delicate.
S iz e . Trichomes -OOS-'Oll mm.
Kircb. Alg. Schl., 228.
Tolypotlirix muscicola, Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 31, f. 5. Rabh.
Alg. Eur. ii., 275.
On mosses, &c.
T o lyp o th z ix co a c tilis. Kutz. Tab. Phyo. ii., t. 32, f. I.
Fasciculate, cæspitose, green then brightly æruginous, trichomes
and pseudo-branches slender, internally pallid,
æruginous, sometimes distinctly, sometimes indistinctly articulate,
granulose, joints about half tlieir diameter in length ;
sheaths very narrow, very thin, homogenous, colourless, hyaline
; heterocysts oblong, twin or ternate, colourless.
S iz e . Trichomes -01 mm., with sheath a little more.
Kirch. Alg. Schl., 228. Rabh. Alg. Eur. ii., 274.
Tolypothrix distorta, Hass. Alg. 240, t. 69, f. 4. Eng. Bot,,
t. 2521. Ealfs. Alg. Ex. No. 20.