ll ii ”- ' ' ''
p i .
T i
i j
“ Filaments several inches to a foot or more in length, as thick as
hog’s bristle, variously carved and twisted, forming extensive, loosely
packed bundles or strata which fill the pools in which they grow. Arti.
culations once and a-half as long as broad, filled with a dark green fluid,
at length separating by a transverse medial line into two portions, which
eventually become separate joints. Colour dark green, not variegated.
Substance rigid, not adhering to paper in drying.”—Harvey,
Flate L IV . fig. 5. Portion of base of thread of Clmtomorplia
sutoria X 100.
Chaetomoxpha im p le x a . (Dell.) Kutz. Tab. ill., i. 51, f. 3.
Pale or deep yellowish green, críspate, interwoven in lax
tiifts, rather rigid, sometimes miioons, articulations before
division twice as long as the diameter ; cell-membrane rather
thick, indistinctly lamellose, after application of concentrated
sulphuric acid at first homogeneous, b ut after four hours’ action
manifestly striate-lamellose.
S iz e . Threads, -04-'06 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. Eur, iii., 329.
Conferva implexa, Dillw. Conf., t. b . Ag. Syst. p. 91.
Conferva sutoria, Crouan, Fl. Pin.
In brackish and salt water.
“ Filaments forming densely interwoven strata, or tufts among the
branches of other Algge. Joints even in the same thread varying from
a little shorter than their breadth to about once and a-half as long.
Colour a dark grass green.”—Harvey.
Plate L IV . jig. 6. Portions of threads of Clicetomorplia implexa X
Genus 61. R H IZO C LO N IU m . Kutz. (1843.)
Articulate thread the same as in Conferva, but distinctly
contorted, and forming by prolification of the cells short ro o tlike
Propagation unknown.
R h iz o c lo n ium Ca spaxyi. Harv. Phy. B ritt, t. 354, B.
Filaments elongated, slender, decumbent, pale yellow green,
stratified, interwoven, curved here and there, and angularly bent,
at the angles emitting short root-like branches, which sometimes
lengthen, and are filled with endochrome; articulations
2 to 6 times longer than broad, with narrow dissepiments and
granular endochrome.
S iz e . Threads •018--025 mm.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. iii., 330.
In brackish and salt water.
Forming a thin web of a bright green colour and considerable extent.
Filaments elongate, gracefully curved rather than twisted, interwoven,
here and there angularly bent. At the angle issues a root-like process,
which sometimes consists of but _a various, and
leevnegnt hine ntsh eo usat minet ofi laa ment at differen f „gg.Q ^^ ^. ^th e full-gi'own cell seemsa ntod
be fully six times as 1®“® “ „ Ì ^ seem to be cells in process of
a-half to twice aslong ^ ’g / “ tn th e long cells. All contain a
development are ®®“ “ ®Uj, of very u n e q u a l size.”- iiu r» e y .
7 F z r . « h
X 200 diam.
R h iz o c lo n ium f la v ic a n s . Jursf. Alg.
interstices pellucid.
S iz e Threads -018 mm. diam.
Eabh. Alg. F u r iii-’ t 13, f. 3. Harv. Man.
Conferva arenicola, Beile,
128. Harv. Phyc. Britt., t. 3o4 A.
A t the months of rivers, and salt marshes.
“ Creeping on t'l® “ “‘^UT” fiicate cri°ped“w"erÒf aTal^y®»®" S'’®®“ ’
scattered d o t s , then with man darkerU>'een in the
contract and f®™. “ gg \ one and a half times as long
: : t : ; a t ^ h r d ! r t h e ’ aUiculations are alternately contracted. -
8. Portions of threads of Mizooloninm flavicans
X 200 diam.G
e^ ;js6 2 . c l a d o p h o r a . Kutz. (1843.)
Articulate thread variously branched, cell-membrane usually
thick, lame llose ; cell co n ten ts p a rie ta l. „¡muitaneons and
wards germinating without fecundation.
Many species are entirely ¿ " ‘ omm-ouTUarietierare named in
disposed to considerable vai latiom gpgcies. The following arrangeconneotion
with each of ^ will be useful in their identimentof
the species from Eabentioist s Aig
I . T h r e a d s collected m t ^ - J -
“ . Cell co n ten ts n o t sp ira lly disposed,
t F ru itin g cells n o t te rm in a l.
* Cell-membrane even • ■ • ’
** Celi-membrane plioato-striate .
. fracta.
1 I »
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