Praeter clima vero etiam vitae genus
nonnihil ad faciei formam genti-
litiam conferre posse, asset turn legi-
mus exemplo Aethiopum, quorum
nasum crassum et labia turgida passim
tributa sunt modo quo tenella
adhuc aetate a matribus lactantibus
duni sorgum tundunt aliisve sub di-
ris earum et gravissimis laboribus
dorso portari soleant r j.
o f Sumatra pag. 173. “ Some writer hat
„ remarked, that a resemblance is usually
jfound, between the disposition and quali
t ie s o f the beasts proper to any coun-
7itry, and those o f the indigenous habi-
„tants o f the human species, where an intercourse
With foreigners has not destroyed
the genuinenejs o f their character.
,,The Malay may be compared to the buf-
„faloe and the tiger In his domestic
State, he is indolent, stubborn, and voluptuous
as the former, and in his adven-
„tureous lifey he is insiduous, blood * thirs
t y and rapacious as the latter. Thus
t h e Arab is said to resemble his camelt
„and the placid Gentoo his cow
V) cfr. v. c. praeter tot alios, Barbot itl
Churchill’s collection o f voyages T . V. pag.
ïmo vero et apud varias barbaras
gentes, Aetliiopes sj v. c. Brasilien-
ses t j , Caribaeos u.)$ Sumatranos wj7
§6. “ The wives o f the better sort o f
' men being put to no such hard labour
$,as the meaner, it has been observed, that
th e ir children have not generally suck
„flat noses as the others ; whence it may
„be in f err'd that the noses o f these poor
infants are fatten d by being so long carr
ie d about on their mother's backs, because
they must be continually beating
„on them, when the motion o f their arms
,,or bodies is any thing Violent; especiall
y when they are beating or pounding
„ their millet every morning, which is the
„ constant task o f the women o f inferior
S) v. post silvam aliortitn iestium, Report
o f the Lords o f the Committee o f Council
for the consideration of Slave-Trade.
1789. fol. P. I. fol. C. i . bi
Lery, voyage èn la terre du Brésil p. ni.
98. 265.
il) De la Borde relation des Caraïbes in
Melchis. Thevenoti minore colle&ione
( Paris. 1674. 4. pag. 29-
W) cl. Marsden, history o f Sumatra pag, 38.