583 URANIUM GLASS (396) 1856-1861
Glass containing uranium salts fluoresces in daylight and in the light of
an electric discharge.
Two candlesticks, overall height 220. Present by 1862.
Goblet, overall height 150. Purchased for Dfl. 4.50 in 1857
from Logeman.
Discharger, length 300. Purchased through Logeman from
Ruhmkorfif, Paris, in 1861.
Cube, 31 square. Purchased for Dfl. 2.40 in 1856 from
Yellow-coloured glass containing one or more percent uranium
has been found at Pompeii, which was destroyed in A.D. 79. Studies on
fluorescence during the middle nineteenth century renewed interest in
this glass.
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584 GLASS PLATES (398,896) 4/4 19th C.
398 In flat card box (140 H i00), covered in rust-coloured embossed
paper, are two glass plates, framed and hinged together with
embossed paper. One is blue glass, the other amber. Between
•them is slotted a piece of white card on which is written in
fluorescent green script: Barium Platina Cyanur. The word
“Stokes” has been written below, but the fluorescent marking
has worn off. Hinged plates measure 130 x 95. Also present is
a piece of blue glass (8 0 x 8 0 x 3 ) bearing a paper label in one
corner. On this is printed: CORNING T. M. REG. U.S.
PAT. OFF. On other side in manuscript is written: BLUE
896 Violet glass (96 x 96) in cardboard frame (136 x 136). For use
with fluorescent materials.
585 MICROSCOPES: SIMPLE (369) 1859
Three identical simple microscopes with ivory handles. Blackened brass
eyepieces contain the lenses. Lengths 100.
Purchased in 1859 for Dfl. 36.
586 MICROSCOPE: COMPOUND (370) 4/4 19th C.
Unsigned; French manufacture
Base diameter 47; overall height 165
Box 167 x 70 x 55
Mahogany case contains a small French toy microscope with drum foot,
plain mirror, sliding focus, and a triple French button objective. Eye
lens is E-convex. Société des Lunetiers (1903), 214, fig. 6 7 ÏS
Signed: Powell & Lealand Makers, London 1843
Trade label: Powell & Lealand Opticians 2 4 Clarendon Street
Somers Town.
Foot radius 115; height to trunnions 150; height vertical 385
Box 415 x 230 x 206
A flat tripod foot, with one levelling screw in one leg, supports two pillars,
with the limb mounted on trunnions. The limb has a box section,