Catalogus der Natuurkundige Werktuigen in
het Museum van Teylers Stichting. Julij 1859.
Case A:
1. An electric lamp, self-regulating, after W.M. Logeman's
arrangement, with a cap and condenser lens, and the accompanying
glass and mirrors with their supports, to demonstrate
reflexion and refraction.
2. An apparatus with two carbon holders for the electric arc. 787
3. An apparatus, lead block with tremblers of iron and other
metals, for the demonstration of Trevelyan. 478
4. A glazed water trough with Lfogeman] 's arrangement to
demonstrate the propelling screw for ships. 383
5. A mill with four vanes to demonstrate the same in the air. 134
6. A mill by Pasteur for use in rarefied air. 135
7. A thermoscope after Nobili and Melloni, with all the apparatus
for demonstrating the reflexion, refraction, etc., of heat
rays. 449
8. A gyroscope after Foucault, simplified arrangement, with
apparatus for setting in motion [the torus] and for the magnetic
induction on turning conductors. 379, 380
9. An apparatus for the mutual repulsion of the various parts of
the same conductor.
10. A so-called wheel of Barlow, with pendulum thread. 689
11. An apparatus for the electric arc in rarefied gases, with electromagnet,
after de la Rive. 686
12. Four items of uranium glass for fluorescence. 583
[The first version specified: cube, ruler and beaker of uranium
13. A demonstration apparatus for the gyroscope after Sire. 377
14. .A n apparatus with two flat spirals for dynamic induction.
15. A glass jar with outside and inside tin-foil spirals for the
same. 301
16. One permanent pendulum for the demonstrations of
Foucault, continuously poweired by the electric current, after
L's arrangement. 374
17. A small electrical machine after L's arrangement for demonstrations
in a moist atmosphere. 283
18. An electroscope with condensator after the same arrangement.
19. An apparatus with two platinum electrodes for polarization.
20. An idem L's arrangement for the decomposition of salts.
21. A tall glass jar with leather case and transporter, for the electric
22. A sine and tangent galvanometer. 762
23. A large galvanic alarm clock. 753
24. A thin-wire galvanometer of 4000 windings. 758
Case B:
1. An apparatus for the synthesis of water following Lavoisier,
after the improvements of Van Marum. 185
2. Two separate gasometers after the same
glass bulbs and further accessories. 192
arrangements, with
3. A small hydrostatic press for a maximum pressure of 25,000
kilogr. 385
4. A large so-called electric egg. 684
Case C:
1. A large armed natural magnet in iron frame with pole piece,
capable of bearing about 100 kilogr. 85
2. A ditto smaller in wooden frame. 84
3. A steel magnet in brass mount. 83
4. Six bar magnets with armatures. 81, 82
5. Some small magnetic rods.
6. An electro-magnetic apparatus for the vibration nodes after
Dove. 505
7. A very small gold-mounted natural magnet in ivory box. lost
8. An apparatus after Arago, with rotating discs. 655
9. Two apparatuses for the transport of fluid through porous
partitions, whereof one has a double diaphragm.
10. The same, beaker form, older construction. 752 (626, 627)*
H . An electrothermoscope with bismuth-copper element. 446
12. The same, on a brass foot. 445
13. A model of an electromagnetic motion machine. 691
àpi. A ditto of an electromagnetic pointer telegraph. 778
15. A large demonstration galvanometer.