The same of an Archimedian screw. 71
The same of a watermill. 70
The same of a water-lifting machine.
The same in another arrangement.
An apparatus for the water engineering, lost
Case L: locked case, without glass
A Grove gas battery.
Three boxes for demonstration of the undulation.
A platinum crucible and a ditto dish, lost
An apparatus for the experiment of Guillemin and one for
electromagnetic sound.
Two apparatuses for the experiment of Peltier and Lenz on
the production and maintenance of heat through the electric
Two glass receivers and an extension tube.
Two wheels with teeth and holes, spindle and pendulum,
belonging to the machine of Savart.
A rubber tube and some brass tubes, belonging to
the steam electrical machine. 674
Seven pieces of Geissler tubes in a box. 799
On the floor of the Museum:
1. Teyler's large electrical machine with turning apparatus and
the conducting pieces on isolated feet. 281
2. A large electric battery of 23 flasks [=Leyden jars] with conductors.
Another 72 of the same flasks are in the closet
behind the Museum. 284
3. Teyler's large electromagnet mounted for diamagnetic and
other experiments. 650
4. A photoelectric microscope, old arrangement following
Fizeau. lost
5. A mat-polished glass on a stand to be used with this microscope.
6. Two large brass parabolic burning mirrors on stands. 213,
7. An iron magnet of 40 kilograms' lifting power and lifting
apparatus, lost
8. A tangent galvanometer after the arrangement of Elias. 761
A lightbox with condenser lens on a stand for the hydro-oxygen
A barometer and a thermometer with hygrometer mounted
in wood. 201, 202
A bellows with wind-chest and an array of organ pipes for
sound experiments, lost
A large telescope by Van Deijl on a stand with horizontal
and vertical adjustments. 264
Two globes by Adams of London. 92, 93
A large and two smaller cases with minerals.