Prisms, Lenses, Mirrors
PRISMS 1865-1871
Fifty-seven pieces of glass; two glass rods wrapped in paper;
square pill-box with chips of glass; bottle containing powder.
Four pieces of black-painted glass have paper labels reading:
Nat. Lab. Teyl. Stichting. HAARLEM. Some prisms are
marked with the name of the maker and the type of glass,
those recorded are: Steinheil I, 45°, flint; Steinheil II, 46.5°,
flint; Steinheil III, 60°, crown; Merz III, 54.5°, crown; Merz
IV, 60°, crown; Merz V and VI, 60°, flint. The largest prism is
the Merz III, 63 x 63 x 57, thickness 42. All contained in a 1
glazed box, 400 x 320 x 95.
Some of the prisms were used in experiments published
by Van der Willigen in the Archives du Musée Teyler, 1-3 (1868-
Nine pieces of glass, comprising: three glass disks; two obtuse
prisms; isosceles right-angle prism; glass wedge; disk of glass
with black-painted rim and base; prism of uranium glass,
hypotenuse 106, height 91, base 55, thickness 46 (very heavy).
Contained in a glazed box, 250 x 155 x 85. The complete set
won a diplôme d ’honneur at the International Exhibition,
Philadelphia, 1876.
PRISMS (768,841) 1882-1885
Equiangular glass prism on brass stand. Edge 30, height of
prism 32; stand: diameter o f base 49, overall height 81.
Probably the quartz prism from A.J. Schokking Jr., Amsterdam,
invoiced January 1886.
Glass cube on mahogany base. Cube edge 51. Clear glass
showing chord produced by pouring; also air bubbles. Acquired
after 1882.