Signed: P.J. Kipp en Zonen J.W. Giltay Opvolger.
Bulb marked: Eau\ scale 0° to 148° by ones; length 368.
828 OIL
Signed: P.J. Kipp en Zonen J.W. Giltay Opvolger.
Bulb marked: Huile; scale 0° to 151°. Length 378.
410 THERMOMETERS: STOHRER (796) c. 1890
1. Mercury thermometer inside an outer glass tube, the end
immersed in liquid. Scale -20° to +60° by ones. Length 141.
2. As above; scale -30° to +50° by ones. Length 146.
Both contained in mottled brown tubes.
Museum record says apparatus after Stohrer. The purpose is to
project the cooling of water below the zero point. Emil
Stohrer (1813-1890) worked on calorimetry at Leipzig during
the middle of the nineteenth century. Frick (1907), pt 2,
1149, fig. 3046.
Signed: L.R. BRUNlj. UTRECHT.
' Height 630; frame 335 x 335
The large dial is painted on glass, with opal glass behind to give good
contrast when viewed by an audience. The mercury column moves a
float, as in a wheel barometer. The Annual Accounts show that Dfl. 25
was paid on 18 January 1873.
Horizontal brass frame (365 x 88) holds two thermometers, slung by
1. 290 long; scale 47° to -30° by ones; inscribed: Maxima Négretti
modifié par Boudin à Paris (1895.2.)', at other end: Centigrade
14052 Recuit.
2. 320 long; scale 44° to -26° by 0.2°; inscribed: Centigrade.
Purchased in 1881 from Luns, Pierson &C C!c, Paris, for 25 francs and 20
francs respectively. The first maximum/minimum thermometer was
invented in 1780 by James Six (1731-1793) of Canterbury, England.
His account was reprinted in 1980; see Six (1980), The Construction o f
a Thermometer. For a history of the maximum-minimum thermometer,
see Middleton (1966), A History o f the Thermometer and its Use in
Meteorology, chapter 6 .
Three mercury-in-glass maximum/minimum thermometers in a wooden
case (410 x 68 x 24) covered with black embossed cloth, and lined
with chamois.
1. Length 390, diameter 5. Capillary tube ends in a curve above
mercury in the reservoir, with fluid above the mercury; at top,
fluid in a side blister. A thread of mercury travels in the capillary
tube. Engraved at top 410°, down to 0° by ones.
2. Length 383, diameter^ Mercury reservoir below; at top with
side blister is mercury around the capillary tube which ends in
a curve. Engraved 410° to 0° by ones.
3. Length 398, diameter pi Mercury thermometer with round,
flattened top; engraved from 103° down to -4° by 0.5°.
Marked on back: (Centigrade) and (N°. 3603).
Purchased for Dfl. 40 in April 1867 from P.J. Kipp en Zonen, Delft.