same year. Schoonbeek lived in Haarlem as early as 1860, but was not
born there. Adresboek Haarlem-, Museum records; Municipal Archives
Gebrs. Verpoorten, instrument makers, started at Haarlem in 1910 at
Nassaulaan 2a, moving to Grote Houtstraat 11 in 1912. Around 1916
the address became Grote Houtstraaf; 175, and the name M.P.
Verpoorten. This Marinus P. died in 1938. Adresboek Haarlem-,
Municipal Archives Haarlem.
WAVEREN, Jilles van (1871-1940)
Van Waveren was born in Haarlem and started as a clockmaker in or
shortly before 1895. In 1900 he became amanuensis at Teyler's Physical
Cabinet, a position he formerly held at the Hogere Burgerschool.
Adresboek Haarlem, Municipal Archives Haarlem; Museum records.
WENCKEBACH, Eduard (1813-1874)
Wenckebach spent his youth in Amsterdam, The Hague and
Medemblik. From 1832 to 1839 he was abroad (Germany, Austria,
France, England) - the last four years at the public expense, acquiring
practical skills as an instrument maker. In 1839 he set up a firm in
mathematical and physical instruments at Amsterdam. From 1845
onwards his main preoccupation became the introduction of the telegraph.
Rooseboom (1950), 129-130; Mooij (1988), 20-21, 121-122.
N. v a n W e t t e t e n ,
Mr. Smid en Werktuigkundige,
- S S E T .A . .A . R L E UVE.
cFa/Gcifrant i n
Storni-, Magneto- en Difnamo-Machines,
Magneten, en Magnetische Zuiveringmachines, Electrische
Battery en, Bliksemafleiders (voor Torens, Kerken, Schoorsteenen,.
Fabrieken, Villa’s, Kruitmagazijnen en Pantserforten), Schellen en
Spreekbuizen, Haar den, Kachels, Fornuizen, Ve r warmings-
toestellen, Stoom- en Waterketels, Grondboringen voor Fon-
datiewerken en "Waterputten, van elke diepte en wydte,
Pompen en W aterw erk en voor te sproeien.
Alle soorten van PLAAT- en SMEEDWBEK, en alles
wat in IJz e r, Staal en Koper vervaardigd wordt.
Jaarboekje Haarlem 1891
WETTEREN, Gebrs. van
Hendrik Leendert (born 1819) and Nicolaas (born 1824) had a forge
(huis-, stoom- en magneto-electrische machine smederij) as early as
1856; from 1862 onward at the Gedempte Smalle Oude Gracht. Their
co-operation lasted until 1876. After that year only Nicolaas was active.
In 1878 his shop was at the Gedempte Oudegracht 129. Somewhere
between 1892 and 1895 the address became Ruychaverstraat 12. He
closed between 1901 and 1904. Adresboek Haarlem\ Municipal Archives
WILSON, George
This was the N.V. Nederlandsche Gasmeterfabriek G. Wilson at The
Hague. Active around 1900. Mooij (1988), 107-108.