468 BAROMETER (831) 1861
Signed: J.F. van Deene Amsterdam
Base plate 1,410 x 137; barometer board 1,070 x 100; brass
register plate 1,020x 25
The register plate is marked at the top 100, and at the bottom 0. Also
inscribed: Diameter der Buis 12,424 mill"1. The scale has a range from
700 to 850 by 0.05. A vernier reads 0-50 by l/10s. The thermometer
in the register plate ranges from -5° to 50°C by ones; the position at 23°
is marked by an arrow. The ivory thermometer records -5 to 48° C. Van
Deene won a prize with this instrument in 1861 at an exhibition in
Haarlem. Gift from A.J. Enschede in 1893.
469 BAROMETER: ANEROID (755/1) 1867
French manufacture. Signed: P.J. KIPP EN ZN. DELFT
Diameter 123; depth 50
The barometer scale is divided to one quarter of a millimetre, and the
range is from 660 to 800. A lens is provided to read the position of the
needle. The Celsius thermometer scale has the range J j p | to 55°. On
the back of the lacquered brass case a monogram composed of four letters
is stamped in a square:
Associated with this instrument is a wooden case covered in black
paper, and lined with purple velvet; 161 x 160 x 63. The same monogram
is on the lid, and is impressed in the base. Purchased from Kipp
for Dfl. 45 in April 1867. Mlller-Pouillet ( 1 9 0 5 M g q ^ |
470 BAROMETER: ANEROID (n.n.) 4/4 19th C.
Overall length 248; maximum width 74; diameter o j barometer
A small domestic aneroid barometer on an oak frame, with inlay. The
scale is marked 660 to 790. The mercury thermometer is marked from
-10° to 45° Centigrade. The barometer scale is labelled in French.
471 THERMOMETER & STORM GLASS /.(n.n.) c. 1900
English; unsigned
Baseboard 250 x 108
The mercury thermometer measures from -22° to '116° F, with four
points in English. The storm glass (length 165; diameter 19), is sealed
with liquid and crystals. Marked from the top: STORMY/CHANGE/
FAIR. On storm glasses, and the chemical formula used, see Banfield
(1985), 14:5.
472 HYGROMETER before 1882
German; signed: Wilh. Lambrecht, Gottingen 2494
Diameter of base 120; diameter of dial 80; overall height 175
The hygrometer is mounted in a gabled shelter with metal rod and
holder for a thermometer, now missing. The dial of glazed paper is
inscribed: Klinkerfues Patent-Hygrometeibconstruirt von Wilh.
Lambrecht, Gottingen/ 2494. The scale ranges from 0 to 100 by tens,,
fifths marked. Below the scale is inscribed: Procente der relativen
Feuchtigkeit der Luft. At the top of the dial, a metal knob is inscribed
ST; another at the side is inscribed W. Wilhelm Klinkerfues (1827-
4 f 8 8 4 ) y ras an astronomer and physicist at Gottingen. Klinkerfues
“Uber das bifilar-Hygrometer^M
473 HYGROMETERS (n.n.) c. 1900
Unsigned' "
Diameter 83
Two identical instruments; brass, mounted on ebonized wooden block.
The range or the scale is from 0 to 100. Inscribed in Dutch: Zeer
Droog, & . One is marked in pencil on the back: / ’2,50|I)fl. 2.50]1
Affile the other bears the name of the retailer: Jph. M. Schmidt, opticus,
Zijlstr. 85, Haarlem.
474 HYPSOMETER (1 7 » 1868-1879
BKjjhermometer signed: Centigrade Dr. H. Geissler in Bonn
Length 405; diameter 1
Boiler height 296; base diameter 80
At the bottom is a spirit lamp to heat a water chamber that produces
steam in a jacket that holds the thermometer. This has a special constriction
to hold the mercury from falling after the test.