Unsigned; by Breguet, Paris
Cylinder length 230, diameter 43; overall length 391
Ebonite cylinder bound with nickel-plated brass, contains an induction
coil, a trigger mechanism, and, at the same end, a narrow tube, removable,
which leads to the spark gap to ignite gas flame. Cap is inscribed:
CLARKE S PATENT NUMBERS 2229 & 245; on bottom of cylinder:
13932. Purchased in September 1883 for Dfl. 20 via the agent F.W.
Funckler, Haarlem. Such a device was illustrated in an advertisement in
De Natuur for 15 November 1889, opposite p. 352, placed by W.
Horrix Mz. of Den Haag, where it is described as: “Fijnste
St. Nicolaascadeau”. Lefèvre (1891), 31: “Allumoil électrique”.
Fluwoolo Burgwal 8, den Haag.
713 713
Electroscopes, Electrometers, Dischargers
1. Circular beechwood base carries slender glass support with
%i®rved top. On hook at top hangs string with small pith ball.
Base diameter 7 » height 4§prlf(
2. As above; string broken, and gilded glass ball also.
Base diameter 76; height 455.
3. Blackened brass base; glass support has right-angled bend to a
hook; on string is gilded glass ball. Base diameter 86; height 602.
4. As (1), but string carries a gilded bladder. Base diameter :??)
height 459.
715 ELECTROSCOPES: GOLD LEAF (474) before 1859
1. Wooden turned base, probably beech, ebonized on top, on
which sits a glass flask, foiled, with windows. In the top is a
cork and wax bung through which passes a brass rod with the
gold leaf inside the flask, and at the top a copper disk. A brass
disk with wire terminal is associated. In bottom of the flask is
some oily liquid.
Base diameter 140; copper disk diameter 100 (brass disc
same); height 250.
2. Brass, circular leaded base with pillar, onto which, by socket
and turn-button, a brass cylinder with glass ports is fixed, containing
gold leaf at end of rod, sealed in by candle-wax.
Handle at top is of ebonite with a wire terminal. At sides of
cylinder are two more adjustable rods with wire terminals,
bearing disks that are inside the cylinder, covered with mica.
There is also a tube for evacuating the cylinder.
Base diameter 65; cylinder diameter 90; overall height 400.
3. Walnut base supports glass sphere containing gold leaf; rod is
sealed into brass top with sealing wax, and has brass knob at
Base diameter 86; sphere diameter 94; overall height 232.